The clergy and religious leaders of Holliston, Massachusetts and the surrounding area, the Islamic Society of Framingham and the Sikh Community of Millis, and the Bahai community have created the Metrowest Interfaith Dialogue Project, providing opportunities for multifaith and unaffiliated neighbors to come together, honoring our diversity & discovering God's presence in all of us.
Kosher and Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Ramadan Mubarak, Sat Nam!
Interfaith Panel on A Time to Commit to Forgiveness
Rabbi Josh Breindel, Pastor Eric Wolf, Shaheen Akhtar, and Robyn Bernstein Donati present APRIL 11, SUNDAY, 2 - 3:30 PM.Contact Shaheen Akhtar the Intefaith Bookclub at the Islamic Center for more information.

Christians and Muslims Pray Together in Cambridge
Badaliya is a prayer movement that began in the 1930's in Cairo and Paris with Muslims and Christians. Join in on Sunday, April 18, at 3 pm. Christians and Muslims in the Cambridge area will be coming together. Contact Dorothy Buck for information.

Fr. Carl Chudy - Interfaith Outreach Coordinator @ Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Holliston, MA.