Advent 2022
Earlier this month in her Cathedral Commons offering on Martin of Tours, a Seven-Week Advent, and the Holy Dark, Canon Barrie made recommendations for a meaningful Advent and invited participants to share their own traditions as we wait for the light to grow and live into the richness of these darker days. 
Among the traditions that were shared was Rick Hodsdon's—his family decorates the house gradually with santons de Provence, the Baby Jesus finally appearing on Christmas Eve. 
At John McLaughlin's home, the candles for Advent don't match the colors of the vestments in church—instead, the colors reflect Advent values and symbols. The first week of Advent, a purple candle representing mystery, darkness, and waiting is lit. A green candle for the second week represents growth, hope, and persistence. The third week of Advent, a pink candle is lit, for joy, anticipation, and celebration. The fourth candle is white, representing unity, wholeness, and the Cosmic Christ.
Other notable suggestions include forcing paperwhites or amaryllis bulbs to bloom indoors, making soups and stews, baking a favorite family recipe to enjoy and share with others, taking walks outside no matter the weather, and getting to Yakima, east of the Cascades, for winter sun. 

Visit this post on Canon Barrie's blog for a great collection of suggestions for observing a holy Advent and Christmas!
The Pageant of the Nativity
Participation for Kids and Adults


Each year, Saint Mark's Cathedral presents a children's Pageant like no other, when all children of the cathedral will join together to proclaim the story of the Nativity in song, word, and visual pageantry. This year's pageant will be offered on December 20, 2022.

Kids age 5 to 18 are needed to participate, especially those who do not participate in a choir. Find more information, including this year's rehearsal schedule, here. Then register to participate by filling out the registration form here. The deadline to register is Wednesday, November 30. Please contact Choir School Director Rebekah Gilmore with questions:

Grown-ups are needed too! The load-in crew for the Pageant of the Nativity needs your brawn on Sunday, December 18, right after the 11 a.m. morning service. "Samson's Moving Crew" and "Joseph's Carpenters" descend to the crypt after the conclusion of the liturgy to bring up all the staging/risers/props for the Pageant. A blitz build ensues, and many hands make light work! If you are interested in assisting behind the scenes in this way, please contact Rebekah Gilmore at
Intergenerational Cookie Swap and Holiday Fun

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 10:10 A.M., Bloedel Hall

Between the morning services on Sunday December 11, Bloedel Hall will host a cookie swap! Please come, with or without cookies, but if you are able, we'd love you to bring two dozen of your favorite homemade cookies and a copy of the recipe to share. You’ll go home with other delicious treats and new recipes to try! We’ll also wrap gifts for Lowell Elementary School children and hear Libby Carr read her new book, How Do the Reindeer Fly?
Epiphany Supper, Eucharist, and Burning of the Greens

FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 68 P.M., Bloedel Hall, cathedral nave, and outdoors

Vegetarian chili, toppings, cornbread will be served from 6–6:45 p.m., then a simple and lovely Eucharistic liturgy will be offered in the nave, concluding with a procession with the Advent Wreath to the outdoor bonfire. Bring Christmas greens from your own home to burn as well. Cocoa and cookies will be served outside. Please RSVP or volunteer to help by emailing Canon Barrie:
Baptisms on The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

Sunday, January 8 is the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, an especially appropriate day for baptism for people of all ages. The baptism form may be downloaded here. Return it by email to Wendy Claire Barrie, Canon for Intergenerational Ministries, who is also happy to answer any questions you may have.

A baptism class and rehearsal for parents, godparents, adult baptismal candidates and sponsors will be held on Saturday, January 7, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon in the cathedral nave.
Godly Play at Saint Mark's

Godly Play is a Montessori-based curriculum of "listening to God with children"—a way of approaching children's faith formation that is quite different from other ways of doing Sunday School. As originally developed by theologian and educator John Berryman, it begins by taking the spiritual lives of children seriously. The teacher invites participants to wonder together about stories Holy Scripture, Christian tradition, and spirituality, and respond authentically and creatively. Learn more here.

Regular Godly Play gatherings for kids age 3 and up are offered first and third Sundays of the month in the 10 a.m. hour. Upcoming Godly Play gatherings will be offered on December 4 and 18.
Worship Bag Request

We love offering these children's worship bags, and we need your help! Several items are now missing, and may have inadvertently gone home with a young friend: a stuffed donkey, a stuffed lamb, a wooden lacing lamb, a felt finger labyrinth... Please return to Canon Barrie, no questions asked!
Save the dates for these upcoming events!
The Radix Project

PLENARY PRESENTATION: SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 6:30–7:30 P.M., via Zoom only

The ninth iteration of The Radix Project will be offered over six weeks, starting the week of January 8, 2023, and concluding on February 19, 2022. Register for a small group using this form. Groups will meet online via Zoom OR in person. The opening plenary presentation with Dean Thomason and the Radix Project Team will be offered on Sunday evening, January 8, online via Zoom only. All are welcome and encouraged to join the plenary presentation, regardless of small group participation. Join the plenary using this Zoom link.

A Not-So-Quiet Day

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 9:30 A.M.–2:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave

This offering for children, youth, and adults is an intentionally intergenerational exploration of embodied spiritual practices. Experiences include walking the labyrinth, Praying in Color, Ignatian imaginative prayer, silence, music-making, movement, and yoga. Come for the morning, or the afternoon, or stay for the full session. A schedule will made available, and a light lunch will be provided. An offering of the Wisdom School at Saint Mark's.
The Inquirers’ Class

Begins SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 and runs through SUNDAY, MARCH 26. Class meets 12:30-2 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall OR online via Zoom

Learn more here.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper with Closing of the Doors

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 6 P.M., in the cathedral nave
John McLaughlin's The Good Stranger's Sancocho Surprise

SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 5:30 P.M., Bloedel Hall

An intergenerational event and supper with author and Saint Mark's community member John McLaughlin on Sunday, March 5 (immediately following Choral Evensong).
Remember to keep an eye on our weekly Sundays & Beyond email, the Online Community page of the cathedral website, and the Facebook Group. Each week there are new offerings and ways to stay connected at Saint Mark's.