May/June 2023

Pentecost is this Sunday, May 28, and we’ll celebrate with baptisms at both 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and a Coffee Hour with treats after both services sponsored by the Creation Care Ministry! Everyone in the congregation is invited to wear red—the color of the Holy Spirit.
If you’re up early, let's gather for an early morning dip in Lake Washington that promises to wake up the senses and have us feeling fully alive and ready to celebrate Pentecost! We'll meet at the Bathhouse at Madison Park Beach at 7 a.m., pray, then plunge, then head over to Leffler House for a shared breakfast. We'll be dried-off and well-fed in plenty of time for the 9 a.m. liturgy. Dip in whatever you're happy getting wet (doesn't have to be a swimsuit) and bring a towel. Be in touch with Rev. Linzi if you have questions or would like to bring something to share for breakfast.
In the afternoon, all bikers, scooters, strollers, walkers, rollerbladers, runners, unicycles and so forth are invited to join in a Pentecost Sunday Ride/Run/Roll around Seward Park in Southeast Seattle. We will meet on the lawn near the Seward Park Playground at 3 p.m. Look for the Saint Mark's banner. From there, we will head around the Seward Park 2-mile paved and flat loop. Celebrate the moving of the Holy Spirit by stretching your legs, feeling the wind in your hair and then finally indulging in the traditional root beer floats!

All ages and generations are encouraged to join in. Families with children should plan to chaperone their own children around the loop as needed. The park is a popular place on Sunday afternoons so allow time for parking! Write to Canon Barrie with questions:[email protected]
New Community Meal Delivery Coordinator

We are thrilled to announce that Tajarii Gray (who was confirmed at Saint Mark’s on Cathedral Day last month) has stepped up to become the coordinator of Saint Mark's community Meal Trains. If you have questions or know of someone in need, she can be reached at [email protected] 
Intergenerational Beekeepers Forum and Blessing of the Hives  

SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 10:10-10:50 A.M., meet in Bloedel Hall 

Don't miss this Sunday forum between the 9 and 11 a.m. services on June 4. All are invited to taste the honey made by the bees that live on the Saint Mark’s property, meet the beekeepers, learn about pollinators, and try a bee craft. At the conclusion of the forum, everyone will head outside, and Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz will bless the hives for the new season.
20s/30s Gathers for a Mobile Feast 
SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 12:30–5 P.M., meet on the labyrinth 

20s/30s will gather after the 11 a.m. service for an afternoon of festivity to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Barnabas. Begin at Saint Mark’s on the labyrinth with a brief liturgy and then start our mobile feast, with stops at several Capitol Hill restaurants for refreshment. At each stop, we’ll learn more about the life of Barnabas—an early Christian who was one of the first to welcome Paul and accompanied him on his missionary journeys. Interested in attending? Sign up here. Questions? Email Bryan Pansing ([email protected]) or Rose Hazard ([email protected]).
Graduate Recognition and Blessing

SUNDAY, JUNE 11, at the 9 and 11 a.m. services

We will recognize and bless high school, college, and other post-secondary program graduates on Sunday, June 11 during the 9 and 11 a.m. services. If you or someone you know is graduating this summer and would like to be recognized, please send their names, graduation information, and preferred Sunday service to Canon Wendy Claire Barrie before Thursday, June 8: [email protected]
Making Sack Suppers for Tent City Move-In


Saint Mark’s is hosting Tent City residents again this summer, and they will be moving into our parking lot on Saturday, June 17. The meals team would love to make our guests feel welcome after a long day of hard work, and we are looking for folks to make sandwiches and add goodies to create a hearty sack supper for our guests. We will shop and set a sandwich prep station. You’ll make sandwiches and add other items to make a hearty, filling meal. Younger children can decorate lunch bags while others fill them with granola bars, fruit, and cookies. It’s approximately a two-hour time commitment and the timing is flexible. If you are interested in helping, please write to Maris Olsen at: [email protected]
Juneteenth Liturgy and Potluck BBQ 


The Black/African American Circle of the Diocese of Olympia invites you to a special Juneteenth liturgy and potluck BBQ! The worship service will feature poetry, music, and dance by local African American artists with The Rev. Malcolm McLaurin preaching and The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson presiding. Big thanks for the vision and ministry of the Rev. Beverly Tasy, liturgist. A special offering will be taken up in support of the Richard Younge Curacy fund. 
After the service, all are welcome to enjoy a potluck BBQ on the Cathedral lawn. Please RSVP here to let us know what you plan on bringing. Protein will be provided. Come learn more about Circles of Color, the PNW Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, and our friends at Nurturing Roots Farm. Join us in celebrating freedom and the gifts of our Black/African American community! 
June 19 commemorates the end of slavery in the United States and is one of the longest-celebrated African American holidays. Learn more about the history of Juneteenth here and Juneteenth resources for families can be found on Canon Barrie’s blog. 
Seattle Service Corps Celebration

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 7–8:30 P.M.

You’re invited! Please join Service Corps members past and present to celebrate the life of the Seattle Service Corps ministry at Saint Mark’s. It will be an evening of memories, photographs, stories, and gratitude. There will also be a short liturgy to commemorate the closing of the program. We will have desserts and beverages to share. All are welcome! Please RSVP to Luke Abdow using the form found here. Questions? Reach out to Luke at: [email protected]
Neighborhood Eucharist in West Seattle 

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 4–5 P.M., at the home of Betsy Bell (RSVP for address) 

All are invited for a Neighborhood Eucharist in West Seattle at the home of Betsy Bell. These services were presented in various locations last summer, and are designed to be especially family-friendly, meaningful, and brief—a great way to strengthen the connections among us as well as to God's good earth. RSVP to Canon Barrie and you’ll receive the address, parking, and other information: [email protected]
Watch for more information about the following intergenerational summer offerings:

SATURDAY, JULY 22, meet at the Naches Loop trailhead at 10:30 a.m., hike concludes ~1:30 p.m.

SUNDAY, JULY 30, 12:30–3:30 P.M.


FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 5–8 P.M. and SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 9:30–2:30 P.M.

  • EAT, PLAY, LOVE! 2023 with concluding Outdoor Eucharist. Eat, Play Love (Not Your Average Bible Study) is an opportunity for all ages to share a meal, learn, explore, and have fun together at the cathedral.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, begins 3:30 P.M. (time flexible)