May 2022 Newsletter
A Message from Canon Barrie

On her blog, Canon Wendy Claire Barrie offers thoughts and links about the Church's great feast of the Holy Spirit:

It’s almost Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Spirit, the birthday of the church. Fifty days after Easter, ten days after Jesus ascended to heaven, we remember the day that the Holy Spirit came to Jesus’s disciples, setting their hearts ablaze and turning their lives upside-down. There they sat, trying to figure out what they were supposed to do next, now that Jesus had truly left them, when a rushing wind filled the room. Tongues of fire danced above their heads, and they were given the sudden ability to speak in other languages—apparently it was such a scene that some onlookers thought the disciples were drunk, at 9 am. This is how the church comes into being. What a story!

Our Blue Planet: Global Visions of WaterGroup Viewing

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 10 A.M. TO NOON, Seattle Art Museum
Come explore the vast connections of water in the context of artwork at a new exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. This exhibit closes May 30, and It’s what SAM calls “an experiment in artistic activism.” On display are the works of 74 artists from 17 countries and seven Native American tribes. Visitors are greeted with a welcome in Lushootseed, one of many Coast Salish languages, by Ken Workman, a Duwamish Tribal Member and descendant of Chief Seattle.

This exhibit closes May 30, and It’s what SAM calls “an experiment in artistic activism.” On display are the works of 74 artists from 17 countries and seven Native American tribes. Visitors are greeted with a welcome in Lushootseed, one of many Coast Salish languages, by Ken Workman, a Duwamish Tribal Member and descendant of Chief Seattle.

A group from Saint Mark's is planning to attend on Saturday, May 21 at 10 a.m. and then discuss the art afterward at SAM's cafe, MARKET. Interested in meeting up? Email Wayne Duncan:
or Emily Meeks:
Formation This Sunday

SUNDAY, MAY 22, 10:10–10:50 a.m.

  • "Friends Talking" Forum with Dean Thomason and Rabbi Weiner, in Bloedel Hall.

  • Children's Activity in the Leffler House garden.

When adults and children are having their own formation experiences between the 9 and 11 a.m. services, we can offer teaching around a theme and parallel resources to strengthen intergenerational connections and conversations. That's what we'll do this week, as Dean Thomason and Rabbi Weiner are having a conversation in Bloedel Hall, and children are invited to learn more about our Jewish friends and neighbors through a story and activity in the Leffler garden. Both offerings will begin at 10:10 a.m. Rabbi Weiner will also offer a sermon at the 9 and 11 a.m. services.
Monthly Neighborhood Eucharists 

FIRST OFFERING: SATURDAY, MAY 28, 4 P.M., by the Ermoian/Kelley family in north Ballard

Each month from May to October, Saint Mark's parishioners will be taking turns hosting a simple Neighborhood Eucharist in a backyard or park on a late Saturday afternoon. These are designed to be especially family-friendly, meaningful, and brief—a great way to strengthen the connections among us as well as to God's good earth. You are particularly encouraged to attend the Eucharist offered in your own neighborhood, but any community member may attend any event. The first will be hosted by Kristen Kelly and Ralph Ermoian in the Loyal Heights neighborhood of northwest Ballard.

To RSVP, or to sign up to host one in your neighborhood in the coming months, please email Canon Barrie: 
Rogation Garden Blessing
A Rogation Day Liturgy

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person only, outdoors on the cathedral grounds

Come join Rev. Stahlecker, Canon Rosario-Cruz, and Canon Barrie as we celebrate and give thanks for the gifts of Creation with an outdoor liturgy for Rogation Day, an observance that dates to the 5th century.
Birthday Cake and Blessing of the Beehives

SUNDAY, MAY 29, 10:10–10:50 a.m., in the cathedral nave

Following the 9 a.m. service on Sunday, May 29, we’ll celebrate the 100th birthday of Doreen Tudor with birthday cake and well wishes.

Then, the cathedral beekeepers will share about their ministry and the current state of the bees who live on the roof above Bloedel, and we’ll conclude with a blessing of the hives.
Education for Ministry: Informational Forum

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 6:45–8 P.M., online via Zoom only

Do you want to go deeper into your faith in an intense, ongoing way? Do you want to form lasting connections with others who also seek that connection? Consider registering for Education for Ministry (EfM). There will be an informational forum plus Q&A about the EfM program on Wednesday, June 8, 6:45-8 p.m., via Zoom. EfM is a four-year program for lay people to study scripture, church history, and modern theology. It is a four-year program, but students commit to one year at a time. Each class is limited to 12 people. Three different classes meet weekly September-June at Saint Mark's: Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Mondays, 10am-12:30 p.m.; and Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuition is $325, plus the cost of textbooks. If you're interested in joining a class in the fall, please attend the online forum on June 8, or contact one of the mentors: Sunday evening: Penelope Jackson; Monday morning: Maria Coldwell; Monday evening: Tom Hayton. The Zoom link will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Return of Eat, Play, Love!
This Year's Theme: Water of Life


5 p.m.8 p.m., in Bloedel Hall and throughout the cathedral gounds

All ages are invited to share a meal prepared by our own Chef Marc Aubertin, and then together we’ll explore scripture and the sacredness of water through a variety of creative and reflective activities, including the option to attend in-person Evening Prayer 6–6:30 p.m. The evenings end with a brief service of Compline in the Cathedral Nave.

Fee for all three evenings: $30 per person, maximum of $90 per family. More information and registration coming soon.
Choir Camp 2022: Registration Now Open

JULY 11–15 (with Sunday morning participation on July 17)

Choir Camp is a week-long experience of learning, singing, and a lot of fun. Examples of camp activities include: joyful singing of glorious music; training in musicianship, theory, and ear-training; coaching in vocal production; special guests; field trips & outdoor activities; organ demonstration & piano/organ lessons; daily sung Morning Prayer; a closing Evensong service; and Sunday morning Eucharist in the Cathedral.

Junior Chorister Camp (for rising kindergarteners through rising 2nd graders) is offered on July 11–15, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Senior Chorister Camp (for rising 3rd graders through rising 8th graders) meets on the same dates, but lasts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More details, including tuition, and the links to register may be found at:
Saint Mark's Seeks Applicants for Director of the Seattle Service Corps/Collaborator for Cathedral Spiritual Formation Ministries

Saint Mark's is currently accepting applications for a full-time staff position who will administer the Seattle Service Corps program, fostering the spiritual and professional development of a cohort of young adult service interns living in intentional community on the cathedral campus, as well as coordinating and supporting the cathedral’s comprehensive spiritual formation in collaboration with the Dean and Canons.

Please see a complete position description, other details, and instructions of how to apply at, and share this information with anyone you think may be interested.
Remember to keep an eye on our weekly Sundays & Beyond email, the Online Community page of the cathedral website, and the Facebook Group. Each week there are new offerings and ways to stay connected at Saint Mark's.