#1: The Culture of Interim

Interim is when all core classes are replaced with two weeks of committee work and rehearsing, culminating in performances of an amazing all-high school musical production. 

Save the Date for

Freaky Friday

Friday, November 17, and Saturday, November 18, 7:30 pm

Chandler Music Hall, Randolph

Interim Schedule

Friday, November 3, 9am1pm, at TSA

This is the official kick-off of Interim. It is the Turquoise Day between Modules 2 and 3 and is a half-day devoted to activities that generate excitement for Interim and familiarity with this year's chosen show, Freaky Friday.

Interim Week One: November 610, at TSA

The school day will begin at 9am and end at 3:15pm, even on Wednesday, November 8, and Friday, November 10 (Veteran's Day). Students, including committee members who have to run errands, may leave campus with express written permission from parents or guardians and staff. Specific committees may have responsibilities outside of regular school hours.

  • 9th Grade Students: All 9th graders are in the ensemble and will spend a lot of time learning and rehearsing the music and the dance moves as Addams Family ancestors. They are encouraged to volunteer on committees that interest them when they have downtime.

Interim Week Two, November 1317, at Chandler Music Hall, Randolph

The second week of rehearsals occurs at The Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, VT. Students are granted permission to walk around Randolph at appropriate times after attending to their responsibilities and signing out.

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The schedule for most students these days will be 9am–4pm. Some committees will have a different schedule, to be detailed separately. 

  • Thursday and Friday are dress rehearsal and opening night. Students will need to stay until the completion of the show, approximately 9pm10pm.

  • Saturday call time will be set by the Directing Team during Week 2. This night is typically over by 11pm. 

Note: Both weeks' schedules are subject to change and some committees require additional time commitments. Scheduling and transportation details will be provided in future issues of Interim Intelligence.

Expectation of Students

Students are to follow all of TSA's behavior expectations during Interim. (Please see the Student Handbook for details.) This freedom and independence are often a highlight of the Interim experience. 

  • Students should respect the freedom they have, respect Chandler Music Hall, and respect their own safety as well as that of others. 
  • Students should sign out with a staff member whenever they leave Chandler, indicating the time and where they are going in Randolph. Students are unsupervised in town but must be with a buddy. 
  • Students should be on time for their calls and other responsibilities.

Note: This is not a time for TSA students to invite friends from other schools to Chandler.


The show takes place at Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, VT.

More details about tickets and performances will follow, but here are some things to note:


Thursday Dress Rehearsal:

  • Free and open to everyone. No reservations or tickets are required.
  • The more the merrier. A good time to bring a neighbor or friend, especially one who might not be able to afford a ticket. Come one, come all! We would really like the students to perform for an audience.

Friday Opening Night and Saturday Final Performance:

  • We encourage all parents and guardians to see the performance more than once.
  • Tickets sell quickly. Saturday night frequently sells out!
  • On Friday, November 17, students will be released after the performance.
  • On Saturday, November 18, students will need to provide their own transportation to and from Chandler. The call time will be announced later.
  • Saturday is a late night, as students remain to debrief, strike the set, and clean the theater.

Family Involvement

Parents and guardians are encouraged to support their students in several ways. The next issue of Interim Intelligence will detail how. We will definitely need family volunteers to help with clean-up. Contact Mary Newman to volunteer.

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Interim Intelligence

We thank you for your support and for all that you do to help us make Interim a success every year. We will soon be in touch with volunteering opportunities as well as more details about Interim in future issues of Interim Intelligence:

  • Interim Intelligence #2: The Volunteer Issue
  • Interim Intelligence #3: Transportation, Tickets, and T-shirts
  • Interim Intelligence #4: Week One at Chandler
  • Interim Intelligence #5: Week Two and the Show

If you have questions that aren't answered through Interim Intelligence, please feel free to contact your student's advisor.

We can't wait to see you at Chandler Music Hall for the TSA Students' production of: