Interim Schedule
Friday, November 3, 9am–1pm, at TSA
This is the official kick-off of Interim. It is the Turquoise Day between Modules 2 and 3 and is a half-day devoted to activities that generate excitement for Interim and familiarity with this year's chosen show, Freaky Friday.
Interim Week One: November 6–10, at TSA
The school day will begin at 9am and end at 3:15pm, even on Wednesday, November 8, and Friday, November 10 (Veteran's Day). Students, including committee members who have to run errands, may leave campus with express written permission from parents or guardians and staff. Specific committees may have responsibilities outside of regular school hours.
9th Grade Students: All 9th graders are in the ensemble and will spend a lot of time learning and rehearsing the music and the dance moves as Addams Family ancestors. They are encouraged to volunteer on committees that interest them when they have downtime.
Interim Week Two, November 13–17, at Chandler Music Hall, Randolph
The second week of rehearsals occurs at The Chandler Music Hall in Randolph, VT. Students are granted permission to walk around Randolph at appropriate times after attending to their responsibilities and signing out.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The schedule for most students these days will be 9am–4pm. Some committees will have a different schedule, to be detailed separately.
Thursday and Friday are dress rehearsal and opening night. Students will need to stay until the completion of the show, approximately 9pm–10pm.
Saturday call time will be set by the Directing Team during Week 2. This night is typically over by 11pm.
Note: Both weeks' schedules are subject to change and some committees require additional time commitments. Scheduling and transportation details will be provided in future issues of Interim Intelligence.