Infection Prevention eNews Letter:
International Clean Hands Week Sept 15-21, 2019 !

Remember the 2009 H1N1 pandemic year that was an extremely  healthy year for in the US because the US set a record in Hand Hygiene behavior!!

 It was the perfect demonstration that reinforced to many of us that we should globally become intentional about training this life skill for all children in a programmatic method! 

Basic training in nursing is your hands are the 10 most deadly weapons!

If your hospital, school, business or community need some catalyst to get started, I would be happy to be a subject matter expert to help!

Let's  "Spread the word not the germs"! Just for the Health of it!

And of course don't forget our

Infection Prevention Triad:
1. Do Not Touch the T Zone!
2. Handwash Regularly!
3. Don't hesitate to vaccinate!

T Zone Poster
Give them the Tools!
Visual cues and reminders always help change behavior! Yes even healthcare professionals!!

Have Henry the Hand Champion Handwasher "hang around" your healthcare facility nursing or medical school to improve compliance. A culture of accountability works for everyone! 
Help others "Break the habit"! Just for the Health of it!
Vinyl repositional wall posters
  to help reinforce the message!
Examples: Henry the Hand 4 Principles posters, Do not Touch the T Zone poster, Germs on Your Hands poster, Classroom Weekly Handwashing Charts and Handwashing Instruction Guide posters ALL available!

FREE Posters: Click HERE

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