Issue 24 | Volume 11 | June 22, 2023
International Funding Opportunities Update
Watch this space for Fall events of the
Community of Practice on Global Development
Listed below are international funding opportunities identified in the past week. All other open opportunities may be accessed in a searchable database by clicking on the button to the right.
Global IDEAS hosts the International Data Portal where you can learn about MSU's international presence. There is information about past international awards, educational programming, and MSU's international student body.
Visit the new foundation funding opportunities website created and maintained by the MSU Office of Foundation Relations. This website is updated daily and provides a resource for MSU researchers to learn more about current and upcoming foundation funding opportunities.
Climate, Water, Environment, & Energy
The Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) is pleased to announce an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
ISN/CTR sponsors foreign assistance activities funded by the Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR) account, and focuses on mitigating weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and WMD-related delivery systems proliferation and security threats from non-state actors and proliferator states. An underlying aim of all ISN/CTR’s efforts is long-term sustainability to maximize programmatic impact while minimizing the need for foreign partners to rely on outside financial or technical assistance.
The NEXT One Stop Shop for SMR Support in Eurasia will prioritize support for the following Eurasian states only: Armenia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Uzbekistan.
The program goal supported by this NOFO is to empower current nuclear energy states and potential nuclear energy newcomers to approach civil nuclear reactor deployment decisions, including for SMRs and other advanced reactor designs, in a manner that prioritizes nuclear security, nonproliferation, safety, and sound financial considerations from the outset. The NEXT One Stop Shop for SMR Support provides support to Eurasian partner countries as they approach the decision to proceed with a potential civil nuclear reactor tender in a manner that enables these countries to achieve their clean energy goals under the highest international standards for nuclear security, safety, and nonproliferation.
Like the rest of the FIRST program, NEXT provides support in a manner consistent with the IAEA Milestones Approach for implementing a responsible nuclear power program. These efforts support the ability of the United States to uphold and strengthen global nuclear nonproliferation, security, and safety norms at the facility and national level and in international forums such as the IAEA.
Award size: $50,000 up to $4M
Deadline: July 15, 2023
The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary (STAS) announces an open competition for programs that aim to advance economic ties and deepen relationships between technology ecosystems amongst the Quad partners, namely the United States, Australia, India, and Japan.
For critical and emerging technologies, the United States is pursuing policy measures to accelerate research, create new opportunities for innovation, and reduce dependence on untrusted technology sources while simultaneously encouraging our allies and partners to do the same. The success of these policies depends in large part on the ability of the United States to mobilize technology ecosystems in likeminded partner nations that can successfully receive capital, conduct research, pursue commercial efforts, and produce new products and services for their region or the world.
Program Goals
Promote networks of academics, entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses to support commercialization of research and development and technology entrepreneurship as well as provide policy recommendations for enhancing the environment for cross-border technology collaboration in ongoing Quad workstreams focused on critical and emerging technology.
Proposals may be submitted for one or both of the following objectives:
- Strengthened founder education and mentor networks that help spur critical and emerging technologies entrepreneurship in Quad countries.
- Obtain technology policy feedback and prioritization from an expanded network of international academic researchers.
Award size: $232,000
Deadline: July 21, 2023
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to solicit and award research and development grants to educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists by supporting novel, early-stage research at U.S. colleges and universities.
The University Training and Research (UTR) Program has the following primary mission objectives:
- educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists to help develop and contribute to a highly-skilled, inclusive, and competitive U.S. workforce and economy;
- support novel, early-stage research at U.S. colleges and universities that advances the FECM mission of delivering integrated solutions related to fossil energy and carbon management and enable transformation to a sustainable, net-zero greenhouse gas future;
- increase research and development opportunities for underrepresented and structurally marginalized communities within the U.S. and tap into the innovative and diverse thinking of student researchers at minority serving institutions of higher learning; and,
- ensure that students are being equipped with cutting-edge, translatable skillsets that will allow them to contribute to the U.S. workforce and greater economy over the course of a longstanding and enduring career.
Award size: up to $1.5M
August 7, 2023
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) Office of Environmental Quality (ENV) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications to support the reduction of mercury use in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector in Indonesia and/or the Philippines.
Priority Region: Southeast Asia – Indonesia and/or the Philippines
The goal of this project is to reduce mercury use in the ASGM sector in Indonesia and/or the Philippines by implementing one or more of the following objectives:
- To develop a national and/or sub-regional system for collecting, storing, and aggregating mercury for eventual final disposal. This could also include the design and planning of interim storage facilities.
- To develop a roadmap for the implementation of the country’s National Action Plan, as submitted to the Minamata Secretariat or the Local Action Plan for that region. This could include activities such as hosting workshops with national and/or local governments, NGOs and other stakeholders.
- To develop and/or implement Local Action Plans for reducing mercury use within ASGM sectors.
- To model mercury hotspots using previously acquired data on mercury levels in air, soil, water, animal, and plants. This could include disseminating this information with national and/or local governments for use in prioritizing regions for mercury reduction activities. This could also include training for institutions on modeling techniques and data collection methods as needs for additional data arise.
- To research specific social, political-economic, or governance dynamics that impede the adoption of non-mercury technologies and/or promote the persistence of mercury use. Then, from the results of this research, develop strategies to overcome these challenges.
- To pilot programs that target progressive improvement in ASGM mercury releases, such as through collective processing centers, retorts, tailings management, formalization initiatives, or efforts to align incentives with use of non-mercury processing techniques.
- To create and promote local miners’ and other civil society organizations to provide ongoing training, dissemination, and support for ASGM participants interested in non-mercury techniques.
- To improve dialog between miners and governing institutions by hosting multi-stakeholder dialogues between government ministries, NGOs, universities, and ASGM participants and their representatives.
- To develop and implement a strategy for reducing primary mercury mining.
Award size: $400,000
August 7, 2023
U.S. Embassy Lome, of the U.S. Department of State, announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to develop a preventative curriculum approach to counter violent extremism through education in Togo.
Togo, despite its proximity to countries affected by violent extremism, is one West African country that has experienced relative peace and security, until recently.
The escalation in violence in Burkina Faso has spread to neighboring countries, with Togo and Benin recording their worst Global Terrorist Index (GTI) scores on record. According to country officials, as of today, violent extremist attacks have led to 40 military casualties and more than 100 civilians were killed and 2,000 Togolese have taken refuge outside the country.
The need to carry out a curriculum development program to address the escalation in violence arose during the Togolese government’s validation workshop of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Violent Extremism (SNAPLEV), where it was noted that prevention through education (including education in prisons) was totally neglected in Togo. This program should fill that gap and should be fully in line with the spirit of Togo’s national strategy.
The main objective of this NOFO is to leverage and highlight U.S. expertise and the growing U.S.-Togo relationship to help launch the teaching of prevention of violent extremism in schools and prisons through the development of a teaching manual for schools and the establishment of training and awareness clinics for prisons in Togo.
Award size: $100,000 up to $250,000
Deadline: August 15, 2023
The Global Engagement Center (GEC) at the Department of State, announces the Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) for a cooperative agreement titled “Identify and Expose Kremlin Disinformation Networks” to support research to identify Kremlin-backed disinformation and propaganda narratives and effective tactics, tools, technologies, and strategies for countering Russia’s disinformation in Ukraine, Belarus, and Eurasia.
Kremlin-backed disinformation and propaganda have destabilized democratic processes and economic welfare and development worldwide, affecting Ukraine, Belarus, and Eurasia in particular. Recognizing the lack of scientific consensus on the specific factors that contribute to susceptibility to Russian disinformation and the lack of consensus on the best ways to counter such disinformation, especially following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the objective of this program is to equip research communities, government actors, and civil society with a shared understanding of ways to increase Russia’s target audiences’ resilience and reduce vulnerability to Russian disinformation.
Primary Target Audience: Foreign government officials, think tanks, universities, civil society organizations, independent media and journalists, and social media influencers.
As relevant and appropriate, research products could be disseminated to additional relevant audiences (to be determined jointly by GEC and the implementer for each research product) within the priority region that are vulnerable to foreign propaganda and disinformation. Working closely with GEC, the recipient will research, release, and measure the effectiveness of the research products released within this project. A minimum of seven published research products distributed through appropriate channels are expected during this award. The first should be released within 3-6 months of the signing of the award, followed by quarterly or more frequent products throughout the award.
Below are illustrative examples of the kinds of outputs that GEC projects may develop:
- Reports on threat actors’ audiences, as well as tactics and techniques for disseminating and amplifying propaganda and disinformation. Baseline research release due 3-6 months after the start of the project, followed by quarterly research products.
- Workshops, meetings, or summits convening civil society and government communicators.
- Trainings or workshops building the capacity of journalists and/or influencers.
- Content developed and disseminated for communications campaigns.
- News articles and exposés about disinformation.
- Development of training curriculum and its dissemination and/or integration into existing efforts.
Award size: up to $1M
Deadline: July 31, 2023
Migration & Human Trafficking
The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) is pleased to invite organizations to submit Statements of Interest (SOI) to combat human trafficking outside of the United States. Informed by the annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), current anti-trafficking programming and trends, research, scoping visits, assessments, engagements with foreign governments, and in consultation with other U.S. government agencies and offices, the TIP Office identified multiple programming priorities for funding under this announcement.
Applicants are expected to submit SOIs that reflect an understanding of victim-centered, trauma-informed, and survivor-informed approaches to anti-trafficking programming. Applicants should also include these approaches in any plans for direct engagement with individuals with lived experience of human trafficking. If possible, applicants are encouraged to work with and/or consult individuals with lived experience of human trafficking in the development of their SOIs. When relevant for the SOIs, applicants are expected to reflect the provision of comprehensive services to victims of trafficking.
Award size: up to $6M
Deadline: July 31, 2023
The Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) is pleased to announce an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). ISN/CTR sponsors foreign assistance activities funded by the Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR) account, and focuses on mitigating weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and WMD-related delivery systems proliferation and security threats from non-state actors and proliferator states. An underlying aim of all ISN/CTR’s efforts is long-term sustainability to maximize programmatic impact while minimizing the need for foreign partners to rely on outside financial or technical assistance.
ISN/CTR focuses its resources on countries facing the greatest threats from proliferator states and non-state actors with the reasonable potential (e.g., absorptive capacity, diplomatic willingness, etc.) to successfully implement threat reduction activities. Recipients shall leverage relevant subject matter experts within the submitting organization or in partnership with other applicants to develop and implement projects that advance ISN/CTR’s mission. Engaging with inclusive and diverse foreign audiences, leveraging where possible women and minority-focused technology institutions, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) organizations, and security organizations, is encouraged but not required.
Award size: July 15, 2023
Deadline: $50,000 up to $600,000
The Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP) Office of Regional and Security Policy at the U.S. Department of State (DOS), announces this Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) for the Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Mapping Project.
A cooperative agreement for up to $740,650 U.S. Dollars (USD) in FY 2022 Economic Support Funds (ESF) will be awarded (pending availability of funds) for work that will produce a landscape analysis, geographical mapping, and risk assessment which will support dual presidential Quad and Pacific Islands deliverables to provide actionable information on opportunities pertaining to existing and planned infrastructure projects in the Indo-Pacific, including life-cycle analysis and an action plan for each identified infrastructure project. The period of performance is three years.
Award size: up to $740,650
Deadline: July 17, 2023
The U.S. Embassy Seoul Public Diplomacy Section (PD) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available for a women’s leadership program focused on supporting young women living in areas outside of Seoul.
The Republic of Korea (ROK) is now one of the world’s most influential countries following decades of impressive economic growth, technological innovation, cultural exports, and public sector initiatives. As like-minded democracies, both the ROK and the U.S. have a strong responsibility to make sure economic and social opportunities are open to all citizens, especially women.
To support women’s economic opportunity, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul’s Public Diplomacy Section will create a leadership and mentorship cohort of at least twenty South Korean women between the ages of 25-35 who represent diverse sectors of the economy and have shown the potential to grow as leaders in their respective fields. Through this program, participants will learn from American and Korean experts, and broaden their professional network.
The U.S. Embassy seeks proposals from ROK-based organizations to run this inaugural program, focused on recruiting members, planning and implementing events, and building a strong support network that connects Korean and American women leaders. Strong preference will be given to proposals that include participants from outside of the Seoul metropolitan region and utilize our American Corner network (located in Pyeongtaek, Gangneung, Busan, Gwangju and Jeju) in addition to the American Diplomacy House in Seoul.
Award size: July 17, 2023
Deadline: $1,000 up to $45,000
The U.S. Embassy in Budapest, Hungary of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to provide support to Hungarian organizations that are working to dispel harmful prejudices against vulnerable populations in Hungary.
Activities under this cooperative agreement will support building the capacity and expanding the reach of qualifying organizations that develop and execute programming initiatives that reverse myths, misconceptions, and prejudices that have a damaging effect on vulnerable populations, including specifically LGBTQI+ people in Hungary. The program may include research and program implementation designed to identify target audiences, test and develop resonant content (including educational materials, trainings, knowledge-sharing, academic publications, etc.), and optimal communication and engagement strategies for reversing prejudices.
The embassy will prioritize proposals that will empower and support sub-recipients in developing new and creative content ideas and audience engagement methods that would meet the program objective of reducing societal prejudice against vulnerable populations including LGBTQI+ people.
The implementing partner will manage funds that will be used for the benefit of and disbursement to sub-recipients for expenditures that generally fall within the following funding categories:
- Conducting market research to determine optimal target audience, content, and engagement strategies.
- Supporting and mentoring sub-grantees to develop and implement initiatives that meet the program objectives.
- Providing funding for sub-grantees to increase their capacity for implementing communications and outreach projects that apply lessons learned from research and mentorship.
- Travel costs for research projects, sub-recipient oversight, and engagements with target audiences outside of Budapest.
- Other relevant programmatic activities in support of these goals with prior embassy approval.
Award size: $75,000 up to $300,000
Deadline: July 31, 2023
CDP seeks to partner with a capable organization to build the Promoting American Leadership, Democratic Values, and Economic Prosperity in Artificial Intelligence project by engaging with the AI Connect multi-stakeholder community and encouraging the responsible stewardship of AI technologies in line with the OECD AI Principles that empowers low- and middle-income countries to participate in the global, multi-stakeholder conversations more effectively on AI policy.
This global project will focus on five primary regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Through webinars, in-person workshops, global conferences and multilateral events, the project will engage participants from governments, industry, academia, and civil society who are key stakeholders in the development of AI strategies, policies, legislation, and regulation that are aligned with democratic values, transparency, and innovation.
Award size: $900,000 up to $1M
Deadline: August 4, 2023
CDP seeks to partner with a capable organization(s) to develop curriculum and provide capacity building for two complementary, yet distinct, focal areas that seek to improve international stability in cyberspace. In particular, the UN’s framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace and how international law applies to state conduct in cyberspace. Pending the availability of funds, CDP anticipates awarding 1-2 cooperative agreements, totaling $1,500,000. If one award, the cooperative agreement must address both Project Objectives 1 and 2.
The capacity building is intended to provide specialized and technical in-person programming to primarily but not limited to government officials from partner countries. Participants and audiences will be key stakeholders in cybersecurity and digital policy in their respective countries, regional or multilateral institutions. Capacity building activities are intended to take place globally, convening eight events per objective throughout the project period. Activities should offer a mix of in-person and virtual attendance. CDP will coordinate with award recipient to identify specific participating countries. The capacity building may take place in the United States and/or in other countries.
Award size: $500,000 up to $1.5M
Deadline: August 4, 2023
DP seeks to partner with a capable organization to develop curriculum and provide training to international entities and personnel for the development of responsible cybersecurity and digital policy as further detailed in this announcement. The training is intended to provide specialized and technical in-person capacity building training to primarily but not limited to government officials, from developing countries that are key stakeholders in cyber and digital policy in their respective countries, regional or multilateral institutions.
Training activities are intended to take place in the United States and in other countries. While the training is primarily for developing country participants from every region of the globe, a portion of these funds are specifically designated for trainings benefiting the African region.
Award size: $2.2M up to $2.6M
Deadline: August 4, 2023
The Department of State’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) aims to support a program to rehabilitate and reintegrate Ukraine’s veterans so they may contribute to Ukraine’s national recovery and realize their full potential with the assistance of the public and private sectors. Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014, more than one million men and women have taken up arms as part of Ukraine’s military and territorial defense forces (TDF). This military service affects millions more family members.
Foreign assistance programming dedicated to assisting Ukraine’s veterans identified the following key elements for veteran rehabilitation and reintegration:
- The capacity of Ukraine to provide services and benefits to veterans;
- provision of physical, psycho-social, and mental health support to veterans and their families; and
- provision of legal and vocational assistance.
This initiative will guide Government of Ukraine and civil society efforts to bring current veteran support structures to the scale needed for national recovery, and provide targeted, evidence-based, direct support to veterans who have left active duty and the practitioners who assist them. In addition, this initiative must include innovative interventions such as (but not restricted to) public-private partnerships to facilitate the re-entry of veterans into key industries. It must also directly address the changing nature of Ukraine’s veteran population, such as the growth in the number of women, as well as sexual and gender minorities, who are, or will become, veterans.
Award size: $1.9M up to $1,975,308
Deadline: August 8, 2023
As part of this initiative to prevent conflicts and promote stability in Togo, U.S. Embassy Lomé, of the U.S. Department of State, announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to provide media literacy awareness for the public as bridges of understanding between individuals of different religious and cultural backgrounds for peacebuilding.
The main objective of this NOFO is to leverage and highlight U.S. expertise and the growing U.S.-Togo relationship to use media literacy as an educational and cultural as mechanism to build bridges of better understanding between individuals of different religious and cultural backgrounds, with the end goal of preventing violent extremism.
Award size: $100,000 up to $250,000
Deadline: August 15, 2023
U.S. Embassy Lome, of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to build youth resiliency to violent extremism through a youth employability program.
The main objective of this NOFO is to leverage and highlight U.S. expertise and the growing U.S.-Togo relationship to strengthen and support youth in entering the labor market, particularly disadvantaged young women and men in areas affected by violent extremism. This will be through the provision of demand-led technical skills training, employability training, career guidance, and green, social, and agripreneurship. with the end goal of preventing violent extremism.
Award size: $100,000 up to $250,000
Deadline: August 15, 2023
The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a project to analyze municipal wastewater samples from various treatment plants (WWTP) and estimate consumption of a defined set of illicit drugs in different regions around Mexico.
The study should include at least three hospitals to determine if there is a diversion of medical use of opioids comparing it with the rest of the findings. This project will assist to implement appropriate and timely responses to drug problems in Mexico accounting the findings of this research, facilitating Mexican authorities to design data driven public policies.
The quarterly reports obtained from this project will be shared with GOM authorities as the Mexican Drug Observatory as part of the early warning system, security agencies as: Mexican Naval Secretariat (SEMAR), Crime-Combat Planning, Analysis, and Information Center (CENAPI), National Commission of Water (CONAGUA), Health Ministry, among other relevant actors.
Award size: $700,000 up to $1.5M
Deadline: August 16, 2023
Scholarships & Fellowships
The OECD's Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (CRP) exists to strengthen scientific knowledge and provide relevant scientific information and advice that will inform future policy decisions related to the sustainable use of natural resources in the areas of agriculture, food, fisheries and forests.
The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s call for applications for funding international conferences (such as workshops, congresses and symposia) and research fellowships grants in 2024 is OPEN.
Fellowships: CRP funds short-term research projects for individual scientists in other CRP member countries. These individual travel bursary awards strengthen the exchange of ideas and increase international mobility and co-operation. Some 76% of the fellowships result in long-term co-operation between the fellow and their host institutes, a major goal of the programme.
Conferences: The CRP sponsors international conferences and workshops to help keep policy makers, industry, and the academic world informed of innovative research, scientific developments and opportunities.
Applications relevant to the work of the OECD Committee for Agriculture and other bodies are particularly welcome:
- Sustainable and resilient productivity growth and food security and nutrition;
- Climate change mitigation, reducing emissions from agriculture and food systems, carbon sequestration in agriculture, forestry and land use;
- Halting and reversing forest loss and land degradation;
- Reducing the negative environmental impacts of livestock production and practices harmful to animal health and welfare, investigating the positive contribution livestock can make to soil quality and management, biodiversity and livelihoods;
- Biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services;
- Improving soil health and water and air quality, including through agro-ecological and other innovative, context specific approaches.
- Innovations in the transfer and development of agricultural knowledge, including Indigenous and traditional knowledge;
- Fisheries and aquaculture productivity, sustainability and resilience.
Award size: see website
Deadline: September 10, 2023
The J. Gonda Foundation is part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and supports the scholarly study of Sanskrit, other classical Indian languages and literature, and Indian cultural history. The Foundation’s assets consist of the estate of Indologist Jan Gonda, who was a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Researchers at postdoctoral level can apply for a Gonda Fellowship at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS).
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a research and exchange platform based in Leiden, the Netherlands. It encourages the multidisciplinary and comparative study of Asia, and actively promotes national and international cooperation.
Subject areas: Indology, research in the field of Sanskrit, other classical Indian languages, Indian literature and Indian cultural history.
Award size: Monthly stipend, airfare
Deadline: October 1, 2023
Through the Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Program, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) seeks to enhance international collaborative research on drug abuse and drug-related consequences.
Through the competitive Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Awards (DISCA) and the Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Awards for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents (USDISCA) senior researchers from other countries and NIDA-funded senior researchers apply to work together in the most suitable locale for their joint research.
The Program allows participants to choose the travel option that works best for their research. If the project would best be conducted outside the United States, NIDA grantees should apply for a USDISCA award to visit their partner's home country. If the project would best be conducted in the United States, international drug abuse researchers should apply for a DISCA award to visit their U.S. partners.
Successful candidates will be highly qualified researchers, and priority will be given to new collaborations. Applicants must propose an innovative collaboration that can produce outcomes—such as a new investigative finding, scientific publication, or research grant proposal—and that falls within the NIDA research mission. DISCA and USDISCA awards provide a research exchange visit lasting at least 4 weeks, depending upon the project requirements.
Award size: up to $8,000
Deadline: Applications accepted at any time
Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship (Global IDEAS) catalyzes interdisciplinary thought, research, and action to solve global/grand challenges in an international development context. We facilitate communities of practice; collaborate and engage with external partners and donors; enhance opportunities for faculty and staff to conduct research, education, and engagement; and provide proposal development and project management to support MSU’s international objectives.
1405 S. Harrison Rd. Manly Miles Bldg., Suite 308
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 884-2987