02 Message from ILS Chair
03 Message from Editor-in Chief
05 Meet Your New ILS Leadership
07 Forced Marriage Reform in the International Criminal Law
The winner of the 2021 Texas Bar’s International Human Rights Committee’s writing contest addresses reforms needed and a recent international case related to forced marriages.
14 International Human Rights & Rhetoric: Case Study on Poland and Hungary
The runner-up in the IHRC writing contest reviews developments on human rights in Poland and Hungary with an emphasis on the LGBTQ+ issues, how those countries may address the issues in the future and what the international community can do to influence them.
25 U.S. Government Takes a Hard Line to Stop Human Rights Abuses with Clear Signals to Industry
The recent wave of actions by the U.S. government against those involved in human rights abuses is
reviewed and the importance of these actions to U.S. companies is highlighted.
30 First Complaints Filed Under the USMCA's Rapid Response Labor Mechanism
This article examines two requests that were filed under the USMCA’s Rapid-Response Labor Mechanism by several U.S. entities claiming that certain Mexican entities are not complying with USMCA-established labor practices, including alleged violations of employees’ union rights and collective bargaining agreements.