August ISOHA Updates
August 24, 2018

Executive Council News
We had so many outstanding candidates for the Secretary General position. We’d like to thank all who applied. Con-gratulations to Sulagna Chakraborty on being selected to serve as ISOHA Secretary General.

Sulagna is a doctoral student at the University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana, in the United States. She has an established history of taking initiative in One Health education and practice, and we are sure that she will serve the One Health community to the fullest of her ability.

Also, with recent shifts in our leadership, we are proud to announce that Neil Vezeau will now serve as President of ISOHA. Thank you Neil for your continued service!


Neil Vezuea is a 2nd year DVM / MPH student at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Additional Executive Council members for 2018-2019 are as follows:

Vice President of Advertising:

Pallavi Oruganti is a first-year DVM student at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Vice President of Education :

Emily Hardgrove is a 2nd year DVM-MPH student at Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.

Vice President of Outreach:

Anastasia Lambrou is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
ISO HA ExCo is here to serve you! If you have any concerns or questions, please email us at [email protected]

Visit our newly launched website for all of our posted opportunities, resources, and news updates. We also plan to feature One Health current topics and interesting news.

We have included a One Health student opportunities section to our website. If you have an opportunity to share with the ISOHA community, please send an email to [email protected]
Outreach to One Health Clubs

If you have not received an email from us regarding your club information, please send us an email to [email protected] with this information:
  • The name of your group;
  • The institution you are from;
  • The country you are from;
  • The number of members you have;
  • The basic structure of your organization;
  • Some of the projects you have completed or hope to complete;
  • Why you think One Health is important.

Add your club’s information on our spreadsheet:
Additionally, we want to make a video compilation of One Health clubs around the world. Please send in a short 1-3 minute video introducing your club and any current or past projects. We welcome videos shot in any format (including phone cameras)!
Mentoring Update

ISOHA is developing its pilot mentorship program to complement Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Next Generation Network’s mentor program . We will be sending out a program plan and mentor application within the next few weeks. Keep on the lookout for a mentee application in the fall semester. The program will launch at the start of the spring semester in January 2019.

If you have any suggestions for individuals involved in One Health who might be interested in being a mentor please email [email protected] with their name and email. Mentor qualifications include :
a) Completion of Masters, DVM, PhD, MD, etc.
b) Past or present experience working (research, education, coordination of One Health programs for students, etc.) in the One Health Field
Facebook Social Learning Group

We have converted our ISOHA One Health Community facebook page to a social learning group. Check out our first learning unit on antimicrobial resistance!
YouTube Channel

ISOHA’s YouTube channel is now up and compiling One Health related videos and playlists. Feel free to email in suggested videos you’d like to share to [email protected] !

We are re-vitalizing our Future Leaders in One Health LinkedIn community. Please feel free to join and contribute to discussion here.
Submit Your Experience to ISOHA

Want to be featured on ISOHA website, facebook, and newsletter? Submit your One Health experience, research, event, or achievements to us! We would especially like to feature activities and events put on by student One Health groups and individual achievements / recognitions.

Fill out this form to be considered:

Thank You to the One Health Commission for its support of ISOHA!

Help Support the work of the One Health Commission!
One Health Commission | Phone: +1.984.500.8593|