May 31,

No. 100

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Welcome to our 100th newsletter issue! Each week we try to bring you a digestible-size look at critical issues shaping China and U.S.-China relations, as well as tools to help you improve your Chinese. This always includes our weekly reading, a chengyu from one of Xi's speeches, and a video that you can watch over your lunch hour to work on your listening comprehension. This week we also posted the long-awaited podcast of our event with Yang Xuedong of the CPC Central Committee's Compilation and Translation Bureau. This is a must-listen episode.

There are a couple ways that you can say thank you-the first and most obvious, is to donate to AMS. Haven't donated before? Let this 100th issue be the time that you do! The second, equally valuable way to help us is to spread the word about AMS and our newsletter. If you have friends, alumni, or colleagues who you think would benefit from knowing about AMS, please forward our newsletter to them via the link at the bottom of this newsletter.

Weekly Readings

As the red carpets of the OBOR summit have all been rolled up, analysts in the United States are still left wondering what this means for China's view of world order and implications for the United States. This week's reading is an article from Qiushi from over a year ago that offers a clear and concise overview of China's view of the future of international order. It is one of the better articles on this topic that we are aware of and encourage you all to read it.

"国际秩序与中国作为," Qiushi, February 15, 2016:
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches


Meaning: not caring about fame or fortune

On May 25, Xi Jinping made written remarks encouraging the Chinese people to emulate the late geophysicist Huang Danian. Huang, who passed away in January, spent much of his career in Britain, returning to China in 2008, after which he pushed forward Chinese scientific advances in deep earth exploration technology. Xi stressed his patriotism and his focus on making contributions to the country without yearning for fame or fortune.

Original: 习近平强调,我们要以黄大年同志为榜样,学习他心有大我、至诚报国的爱国情怀,学习他教书育人、敢为人先的敬业精神,学习他淡泊名利、甘于奉献的高尚情操,把爱国之情、报国之志融入祖国改革发展的伟大事业之中、融入人民创造历史的伟大奋斗之中,从自己做起,从本职岗位做起,为实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献智慧和力量。

Video of the Week  

This week's video is a documentary
about the life of Warring States period poet and historical figure Qu Yuan. The life and death of Qu Yuan are commemorated in the traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节, Duānwǔ Jié) which was celebrated yesterday.

NEW AMS PODCAST: Dr. Yang Xuedong, "How a Chinese Government Document is Born" (中文)

Our podcast episode from last fall's discussion with Dr. Yang Xuedong on the creation of Chinese government documents is finally posted. This one is a must-listen!

If you have not already subscribed to AMS podcasts, you can do this on iTunes  via this link. 
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