TOMORROW: Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method
This Sunday, May 27th: Feldenkrais for Dancers
Thursday, May 31st: Relax Your Shoulders
and Arms
-- Earlybird Deadline This Thursday
Coming in JUNE:
Knees and Ankles with Mark
Two Extraordinary Workshops with Alan Questel
Coming Up
Choice with Alan Questel
The Challenge of Pleasure with Alan Questel
Tomorrow Night: Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method
Coming This Sunday: Feldenkrais for Dancers
Earlybird Ends Thursday for Relax Your Shoulders and Arms
Pain Free Knees, Healthy Ankles--
2 More June Workshops
Join Our Mailing List 





Unless you've been asleep for the past couple of weeks (or have chosen not to read our e-mails) you know I think June's guest trainer, Alan Questel, is an excellent teacher as well as a great guy. But I've had questions from a couple of clients I've seen at the Feldenkrais Institute about whether Alan's workshops are going to be appropriate for them. I mentioned this to Alan, and here is his response:
"All the workshops are structured for people who have a little, a lot or no experience of the Feldenkrais Method.  The topics represent the themes that will be explored through movement, to make the abstract concrete and to give you an embodied experience of these ideas, not only a cognitive understanding.  Through movement you will come to a different understanding of yourself in relation to these ideas.  No demands will be made on you that are beyond your ability and I will be there to further adapt the lessons, if need be, to suit you in a way that you can 'succeed' and find pleasure in the processes.  All the workshops will give you an opportunity to discover more about the Feldenkrais Method and more about yourself in an enjoyable and safe environment."
Alan followed-up and said, "Why don't you let people know my telephone number and e-mail address?" He means that. He'll answer any questions you may have. Let me know if you want to contact Alan, and I'll give you the information.

Finally, a day later, he e-mailed expanded descriptions of both workshops. Take a look at the new information in the descriptions below.

Tamala's Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method is tomorrow night. Let people know how much you've benefited from the Feldenkrais Method and send them to Tamala's wonderful introduction to our work. If you haven't attended one of her intro workshops, come on out and see how your experience has changed the way you look at the basics.

This Sunday, May 27th, Anat will offer a full-day workshop, Feldenkrais for Dancers: Fundamentals of Technique. Anat has a long history as a dancer and she's a terrific Feldenkrais teacher. If you're a dancer, Anat's workshop will be a unique and enjoyable way to improve technique. If you know anyone who dances, please let them know about this unusual opportunity.

The second of Marek's two related workshops, Relax Your Shoulders and Arms is coming on May 31st. Remember, if you attended last week's, Your Pain-Free Neck, you'll receive a discount on registration for the May 31st workshop. See all the details below.

I'm going to teach two workshops, both titled, Healthy Ankles, Pain-Free Knees. The first will be a three-hour evening on Tuesday, June 5th, and then I'll be back with a full day on Saturday, June 30th. I won't repeat material and I welcome you to attend both but, if that's not possible, each workshop will stand on its own. The earlybird deadline is next week for the first installment, so don't delay. All the details are in the article below.

To sign up online for any of our daily ATM classes, click here. To purchase books and audio programs, click here.These links are also accessible via our website.


As always, thanks so much for reading.  We hope to see you soon.


All the best,


Mark Hirschfield  

Feldenkrais Institute of NY

June 14th
Choice with Alan Questel


Did you ever wish you had more choices available to you?


Maybe you do; maybe you aren't looking in the right places.


Sometimes it's right under your nose, waiting to be revealed.


In this evening together (using everything that's right under your own nose) we will explore choice...investigating and discovering new ways of creating them.


When we feel that our choices are too limited we, unfortunately, keep looking in the same places. What would benefit all of us is to learn to look in places where we don't usually think of looking.


In this workshop you'll have the chance to explore choice in a more fundamental way...through movement...creating the means to develop more choice in your everyday life. You'll discover ways to generate more "choices" in everything you do. Through easy, interesting, novel a risk-free learning environment, you'll be encouraged to discover yourself in new ways, finding new choices, new ways to know yourself better!


Date: Thursday, June 14
Times: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Early Bird Tuition: $60.00 through Thu, June 07.
Regular Tuition: $70.00
Member Tuition: $40.00
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001
(212) 727-1014
Register for Choice and The Challenge of Pleasure, the Pleasure of Challenge
and receive 10% off the registration fees for both workshops. You must call 212-727-1014 to register with the combined discount.


June 16th and 17th
The Challenge of Pleasure; 
the Pleasure of Challenge
a Two-Day Feldenkrais Method Workshop with Alan Questel




The Feldenkrais Institute is very excited to bring internationally acclaimed Feldenkrais Teacher Alan Questel to New York City for this special two-day public workshop.  Did you ever think it could be a challenge for you to have more pleasure in your life? Or could you imagine experiencing greater pleasure when you are faced with a challenge? Pleasure and challenge, experiences that are too often exclusive of each other, will be the focus of this two-day workshop.


Utilizing Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons you will safely and enjoyably inquire into your own process. The result will be an enhancement of your understanding of what you feel, how you relate and how you respond to the challenge of finding more pleasure in your life and the pleasure of meeting a challenge.


The themes of pleasure and challenge will be explored through movement...making the abstract concrete and giving you an embodied experience of these ideas, not only a cognitive understanding.  It is through movement that you will come to a different understanding of yourself in relation to these ideas.  Of course, there will be some challenge...but an appropriate level for you.  No demands will be made on you that are beyond your ability and I will be there to further adapt the lessons, if need be, to suit you in a way that you can 'succeed' and find pleasure in the processes.  We'll do 3-4 ATMs a day.


Date: Sat and Sun, June 16th and 17th
Times: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Early Bird Tuition: $160 through Sat, June 02.
Regular Tuition: $190
Member Tuition: $(20% off the above rates)
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001 

(212) 727-1014


Register for Choice and The Challenge of Pleasure, the Pleasure of Challenge
and receive 10% off the registration fees for both workshops. You must call 212-727-1014 to register with the combined discount.
Tomorrow Night!

Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method: The "Intro" Workshop for Everyone!
with Tamala Bakkensen


Some of the underlying concepts of the Feldenkrais Method are unusual and surprising. For example, Feldenkrais exercises improve the body without stretching, or muscular effort. The movements are remarkably gentle, and done slowly, which contradicts almost every other physical exercise modality. With the Feldenkrais Method, improvements can seem to take place magically, easily, and often immediately. But why? How exactly does this remarkable form of exercise and treatment work? And, what can you do to increase it's effectiveness, and to preserve its benefits for the longest possible time?


We are excited to offer a new three-hour workshop designed to answer these fascinating questions for both the new and experienced user of the Feldenkrais Method. This special workshop will include explanation and experience for both the newcomer, and those who have already experienced the Feldenkrais Method.


Participants will:

  • Experience the physical and emotional benefits of the Feldenkrais Method.
  • Learn some underlying theory and supporting science behind the method.
  • Learn why, in a Feldenkrais exercise, less is more.
  • Discover powerful ways to support your brain's learning process.
  • Improve integration of benefits gained during a Feldenkrais exercise.

Date: Tuesday, May 22nd 

Times: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Regular Tuition: $60.00
Member Tuition: $30.00
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001
Call to Register: 212-727-1014



Click Here to Register Online with a 5% Discount!
This Sunday!
Feldenkrais for Dancers:
Fundamentals of Technique

with Anat Meiri
Sunday, May 27th


On the path to becoming a skilled dancer, one must develop a strong base of support in order to move freely in any direction, with balance, power, and ease. This Feldenkrais Method workshop designed especially for dancers, will focus on some of the most important anatomical and bio-mechanic fundamentals of dance technique that are not addressed in the typical dance class. We will explore and integrate some important functional relationships in movement, and you will feel the an immediate improvement in the accuracy, quality, freedom, and security of your movement. This workshop will combine Feldenkrais exercises, or 'lessons' with dancing, and participants will develop a clear, strong understanding of technique that can be applied to all dance movements and styles. 

You will learn:

  • The role of the 4th & 5th metatarsal joints in a truly supportive turnout and balance.
  • How your foot and hip can cooperate in bending your knees, safely.
  • How to direct the return force from the floor through your skeleton, so your muscles are more available for expressive gesture.
  • How to shift weight to give you the greatest potential for power and length.

The Fundamentals of Dance Technique will be taught by Anat Meiri, an experienced Feldenkrais Teacher and former contemporary dancer who mentors dancers at the Feldenkrais Institute of NY.


Date: Sunday, May 27th
Times: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Regular Tuition: $80.00
Member Tuition: (rates listed above less 20%)
Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 W 26th St, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10001
(212) 727-1014



Earlybird Deadline Thursday!
Relax Your Shoulders and Arms
with Marek Wyszynski

Thursday, May 31st


When your neck hurts, everything suffers; from productivity and sleep, to balance and mood. Our head, neck, shoulders and arms move easily and comfortably when supported properly by the skeleton. But when your skeletal support is compromised, the muscles of your neck and shoulders become overburdened, exhausted, stiff and painful. In fact, tension in the neck and shoulders can also cause pain and stiffness in the hands, jaw, ribs, back, and head. 

This three-hour Feldenkrais workshop will introduce you to a gentle and intelligent way to improve the coordination of your neck and shoulders with the rest of your body. It's a small investment of your time and attention, that can yield great results. You'll learn to protect your neck in every day movements while turning, walking, reaching and sitting. The emphasis will be on giving you practical tools for recovering from, and avoiding neck pain. Participants will learn how to:

  • Relax your neck safely and easily.
  • Discover how your feet, hips, chest and abdomen can help to relieve the muscles of your neck and shoulders.
  • Integrate the movements of your spine and pelvis in order to protect your neck and shoulders.
  • Restore the pleasurable patterns of turning, bending and lengthening to your natural repertoire of movement.

Those who attended Your Pain Free Neck on May 15th receive 20% off the tuition for Relax your Shoulders and Arms on May 31st. Please call the Institute at (212) 727-1014 for this discount.


Date: Thursday, May 31st
Times: 6:30 - 9:30 pm 
Regular Tuition: $60.00
Earlybird: $50.00 through Thurs., May 24
Member Tuition: $30.00


To Register Online with a 5% Discount, click here.


Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 West 26th Street, 2nd Floor

Bundle Two and Save!
Pain-Free Knees, Healthy Ankles
with Mark Hirschfield

Tuesday, June 5th
Saturday, June 30th (take one or both)


Healthy knees and ankles are essential for ease in walking, climbing stairs, even moving from sitting to standing. The manner in which weight passes through knees and ankles and the resulting pressure on the joints can vary widely from person to person. Inefficiencies in the distribution or transfer of weight can lead to many common knee and ankle problems-including osteoarthritis, torn menisci, ligament strains, fallen arches and sprained ankles. If you experience knee or ankle pain or have done so in the past, or if you simply want to improve the comfort and stamina of your legs, this workshop is for you. 

On Tuesday evening, June 5th and all day Saturday, June 30th, Mark will teach two related workshops to help you promote and restore strength, flexibility and dependability to your knees and ankles. You'll discover how the flexibility of your ankles can improve the functioning of your knees. Through easy to do exercises, you'll develop a greater sense of the ways in which you use your knees and ankles, in order to improve the ease and comfort of every day movements like sitting, standing, getting out of bed, turning and reaching. 

You can take either of the workshops separately, but your experience will be much richer if you attend both. 

These workshops will help you learn:  

  • How to align your feet and ankles to keep your knees pain-free and improve your balance.
  • How your knees influence the freedom and flexibility of your lower back.
  • Secrets for using your legs and feet for effective stability, stamina and flexibility.

Special Bundle Price: Purchase both Parts 1 (June 5th) and 2 (June 30th) of "Pain-Free Knees, Healthy Ankles" by May 29th for $125.


Date: Tuesday, June 5th
Times: 6:30 - 9:30 pm 
Regular Tuition: $60.00
Earlybird Tuition: $50.00 through Tue., May 29th
Member Tuition: $30.00


Date: Saturday, June 30th
Times: 11:30 am - 5:30 pm
Regular Tuition: $110.00
Earlybird Tuition: $90.00 through Tue., June 23rd
Member Tuition: 20% discount


To Register Online with a 5% Discount, click here.


Location: The Feldenkrais Institute
134 West 26th Street, 2nd Floor