
An Introduction to Data Frameworks

A photo of metal scaffolding

Dynamics driving health and well-being are complex. In the field of public health and more broadly among those working to advance equitable well-being, frameworks—basic structures underlying a system, concept, or text—are a powerful tool that aid in understanding and sense-making. Frameworks provide conceptual infrastructure and help us understand the complex nature of health and well-being. “Framing” is a way of structuring or presenting a problem or an issue; it involves explaining, describing, and adding context. Frameworks can be applied to quantitative data to help us more-effectively use data to inform our work. 


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White block text reads “New Topic” and “Vaccination” inside a thick white square border. Background image is of a tall tree, with a blue and teal filter overlay.

New PHERN Topic: Vaccination

Vaccination is one of public health’s most successful tools for preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases and increasingly, cancers and chronic diseases too. Immunization is an effective, cost-efficient strategy that prevents sickness and death in all age groups and saves billions of dollars each year. Discover and share resources on vaccination on PHERN—the Public Health Equity Resource Navigator.


Cover of the Advancing a Well-Being Narrative report surrounded by a white, rectangular border. Background is a collage of black and white photos of people.

Advancing a Well-Being Narrative

When places take a well-being approach to community change work, they prioritize policies, budgets, and actions that create conditions for a shared future where all people thrive. Narrative change can advance shared understanding and build support to address social issues and policy. A narrative that positions well-being—including a sustainable economy—as the definition of progress would have a profound impact.


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Screen capture of the Native American Labor Market Dashboard, a data tool that provides the labor statistics for the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population.

Native American Labor Market Dashboard

Three of the most commonly-used labor market metrics are the labor force participation rate, the employment-to-population ratio, and the unemployment rate. Despite their common use, there are gaps in published estimates for these metrics for the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population. Explore this data tool to illuminate current labor market conditions for Native people and see how AIAN workers are faring.


Photo of a family of color on a farm

Promoting Health Equity in Rural Communities

Narratives of whiteness are harmful to health equity work in rural America, which consists of racially diverse areas that are home to one in five people in the United States. Rural-based Americans make vital contributions to our economy, culture, and rich history. Learn more about the unique diversity and strengths of rural communities and how policy solutions to address the physical, economic, and social conditions of rural America can be tailored to the lived experiences of people in those diverse communities.


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Black and white photo of a puzzle with one piece missing. A person's hand can be seen reaching for this spot of the puzzle.

Death by Missing Data: Uncollected Racial and Ethnic Pandemic Data Will Drive Inequities for Decades To Come

At every stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, national reporting of racial and ethnic disparities in testing, diagnosis, severity, treatment, and vaccination has been marred by data deficiencies. Read more to learn how the categorical erasure of viral transmissions, lives lost, and vaccination data in Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Indigenous communities may reverberate inequities for generations to come.


Graphic with four circular icons, including a ship's anchor, a graduation cap and a hospital symbol, a stack of money, and an outline of the United States. These icons are connected to each other with a line.

Anchor Economy Dashboard

What is the economic impact of anchor institutions, like higher education institutions and hospitals, on the regions they serve? How dependent are these communities on anchor institutions for employment, essential services, regional development, and overall economic activity? Explore the economic impact of anchor institutions in 524 regions across the U.S. and compare how dependent regional economies are to other communities and to the national average.


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Collage of images of LGBTQ+ people with transparent overlays in progress pride flag colors. At the top, bold white text on a charcoal background reads "LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library."

LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library


Photo of a diverse group of women walking together and holding hands. Title reads "New Topic".

New Topic: Women and Girls


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