Hello again!

I miss those big old tube type televisions.  They didn't have high definition quality viewing, but when they were state of the art, we enjoyed viewing shows on the three available networks probably more then than we do today - I know I do.  Who remembers the best late night host Johnny Carson with his side kick Ed McMahon and their classic Carnac the Magnificent?  

Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could  psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions. 

A: Kumquat.
Q: What do you say when calling your quat?
CARNAC: May a bag of Pop Rocks explode in your shorts.
A: Siss-Boom-Baa
Q: Describe the sound when a sheep explodes

There were so many great shows back then, with huge viewership because of only three choices to watch.  

Those old tubed TV's not only entertained us for hours, they also served as a great place to start our seedlings for our spring vegetable and flower gardens.  They put off heat with those tubes and it created a great bottom heat for germination of seedlings, as long as they were turned on. With today's modern TV sets, not only will our starting trays not balance on top of the set, they produce virtually no heat.

Success in starting seeds for our spring gardens today is really pretty simple with a heat mat that is thermostatically controlled to keep an even 72 degree temperature, perfect for seed germination. With the right seed trays and inserts for holding the seed germinating media, the seeds germinate in a few days and then will need light to continue to develop. We carry plant lights with a full spectrum of light, to duplicate the sunlight the plants need.  

Don't keep the plants too warm or they will grow too fast and become too tender. Keeping the young plants cooler, they will grow slower and be stronger transplants when moved outside.  I like to use ferti-lome Blooming and Rooting Plant Food at half strength because it's perfect for keeping the seedlings growing.  

Typically, starting the plants 6 weeks ahead of planting them outside is what is needed to produce nice sized transplants.  None of us know the last frost date, but typically many plants can be set out in mid to late March, with some frost protection. Starting seeds in early February is a good target date.  

We have a good selection of seed starting supplies including all the media, trays, containers, seeds, heat mats and plant lights.

Come grab a cup of coffee at the store, take a walk through the greenhouse and pick out seeds at our seed racks to get your garden growing for spring!

Happy Gardening!
Marty Johnson
Owner - Johnson's Garden Centers

Things we like for seed starting...

2017 vegetable and flower seeds for heirloom and the newest varieties.

Seed starting supplies from soils to seedling trays.

Heat mats for fast and easy germination of all seeds.

January Special

ferti-lome 5 Step Do-It-Yourself 
Lawn Care Program 20% Off
Price starting at $87.97 for basic 5,000 sq. ft. coverage
regular price $109.95

Calendar & Tip Sheet

Marty's Acre

Drinks on the Acre
February 13 - 5:30 PM
The 2nd Monday of every month we invite you to join us on location at Marty's Acre to talk gardening and enjoy a selection of brew chosen by Marty.
For more information check out MartysAcre.com
Johnson's eBrewsletter
Calling all beer geeks - here's an eNewsletter just for you! This monthly newsletter includes information on homebrewing, the local craft beer scene and regional craft beer news. Check out the latest issues here:

Store Hours:
Mon-Sat 9-5      Sun 1-5

2707 W. 13th St. N.

6225 E. Shadybrook
