Tuesday | March 2, 2021
NEW! Weekly Newsletter Format
Introducing: Community Cultivator
We are pleased to introduce our new weekly newsletter, Community Cultivator! Each week we'll share the latest Land's Sake Farm news, announcements, and updates in one concise email. We hope that these all-encompassing newsletters keep you updated on what's happening at The Farm in an efficient and convenient format, and we welcome any feedback you may have.
Land's Sake Farm 2021 Membership
Join or Renew Your Membership Today
Land’s Sake is a resource for the whole community thanks to the support of our members. Members help to make the Farm’s local food, hunger relief, outdoor education, and community efforts possible. We offer a variety of membership levels, with wonderful benefits all season long, like discounts and early access to events and education programs. 2021 will be an exciting year for the farm - we hope you'll join us! 
Thank You Maple Tapping Out Team
We held our annual Tapping Out event on Saturday, Feb. 20th. It was truly a wonderful winter adventure. Thank you so much to our team and our volunteers for making it such a success! If you are interested in future maple volunteer opportunities, please email us.
Summer Education Programs Filling Fast
Registration is now open for our Summer Education programs. Learn more about our options and secure your spot today!
We're Looking for Volunteers
From CSA workshares to animal care, volunteers help fulfill our mission of connecting people to the land. Check out what's available at Land's Sake Farm this season.
Get Your Green Dollars Today
If you love the Land's Sake farmstand Green Dollars may be the perfect fit for you! In addition to being a great deal, ordering Green Dollars helps us prepare the farm for the season.
Connect With Us
With support from the Town of Weston and the Weston Conservation Commission.