CMS pauses Medicaid coverage termination in some states
As reported in the July issue of Advocacy Brief, states were prohibited from disenrolling Medicaid participants from the program during the pandemic. This ended in April 2023 when states were required to resume evaluating eligibility.
New data shows that over 3.7 million people lost their Medicaid coverage during this redetermination process in 37 states and DC, and that about 73% were dropped due to procedural reasons such as incomplete paperwork or outdated contact information. High procedural disenrollments are concerning because many of those disenrolled may still be eligible for Medicaid coverage. Because of this, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has now required several states to stop procedural disenrollments and correct errors of those who were dropped without due process.
CMS has also sent letters to employers, plan sponsors, and insurers encouraging them to voluntarily extend their plans’ health insurance coverage enrollment period through July 31, 2024. This gives employees who are losing Medicaid coverage ample time to enroll in their group health insurance plans.
Why does it matter? Medicaid is the single largest source of health coverage in the US. Some states’ Medicaid coverage includes dental benefits for adults, while most don’t. Action is needed at the federal level to ensure that adults in all states on Medicaid have access to comprehensive dental benefits. To achieve this, ASDA supports H.R. 1342/S. 570, the Medicaid Dental Benefit Act of 2023.