As everyone's Blanket Fort Badge progress seems to be chugging right along, it's time to launch another activity—because why not?
So, we give you: The Postcard Project!
One of the aspects of last week that seemed to be the hardest for people was the isolation—we have contact over the phone and the internet, but it's not quite the same as being together in the same space.
Writing letters or postcards and sending them through the actual mail—instead of typing an email and sending it through wires and satellites and so on—can help to make us feel more connected, because you know that the person who sent it to you held it, too.
How to participate:
- Send us a postcard! Tell us how you're doing, what you're reading or watching, what this experience has been like for you. Include your address if you'd like a postcard back.
- We'd love to share some of these online with our broader library community—minus your full names & addresses—so please let us know if you'd rather we keep yours private.
- If you need ideas to spark inspiration, don't worry! We'll start including Postcard Prompts in these emails.
- If you don't have postcards at home, no problem—you can make your own! As long as they conform to the USPS' size guidelines, it's pretty much a free-for-all. Postcard stamps are currently about $7 a sheet.
- If enough people participate, we'd love to compile these postcards into a binder at the library—we're living through a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime event, and we'd like to document it. So please do spread the word!
Our mailing address is:
Community Library
10 John Street
Lyman, ME 04002
If you have questions/concerns about using/receiving mail, here's a statement from the
, but please do whatever is right for you and yours. If you'd like to participate digitally, scan or photograph your postcard and send it to us!