Embedding Equity in Adaptation initiative
ARCCA has recently launched its Embedding Equity in Adaptation initiative. This initiative seeks to address how equity has not been sufficiently prioritized or integrated into adaptation processes or projects. Ultimately, we aim to build a culture of centering equity among adaptation practitioners, organizations, and networks while codifying equity in governance procedures and catalyzing local climate equity initiatives to demonstrate proof-of-concept.
Peer Learning Circles: Putting Principles into Practice
Embedding equity in adaptation is a process - one that requires unwavering leadership and commitment to prioritize and involve our most marginalized communities in policy, planning, and implementation decisions. As individuals who hold power in shaping the future of the communities they serve, adaptation practitioners have a unique responsibility and opportunity to affect meaningful change.

Peer Learning Circles aim to help ARCCA members put the principles of equity into practice by fostering knowledge exchange, collaborative problem solving, accountability, and mutual support. We seek to identify and advance concrete steps that can be taken towards the ultimate goal of replacing systems of oppression with inclusive processes that honor and uplift marginalized voices in decision-making.
ARCCA is facilitating four Peer Learning Circles focused on different scales of action to embed equity in adaptation:
Individual: Personal Beliefs and Leadership

Topics may include: becoming an effective champion for equitable adaptation, educating elected officials, deepening personal awareness and understanding of equity.
Organization: Organizational Values, Policies, and Procedures

Topics may include: equitable hiring practices for adaptation-focused positions, inclusive and culturally-competent communication procedures, staff onboarding and ongoing trainings, funding strategies for equitable adaptation initiatives.
Network: Network Structure and Composition

Topics may include: collaborative governance structures for regional adaptation work, participatory budgeting, recruitment and election procedures for networks. 
Community: Community Involvement and Partnership

Topics may include: moving along the community engagement to ownership spectrum practices, CBO partnerships for community resilience, citizen advisory councils, prioritizing marginalized and vulnerable populations in decision-making.
If you are interested in participating in one or more of the Peer Learning Circles, fill out our interest form!
Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA)

ARCCA Coordinator
Catherine Foster | cfoster@lgc.org | 916-448-1198 x304