QSI Automation is proud to introduce Atlas, a new line of vertical clamp injection molding machinery designed specifically for insert molding applications. The first in the Atlas line is the PMG-30. This machine features a C-frame design with 30 tons of vertical clamp force via dual hydraulic clamp cylinders. The machine is designed to allow the injection unit to be mounted in either a standard horizontal (pictured above) configuration, or can be converted by the customer to inject in a vertical configuration.
The Atlas features a user friendly 10” touch screen display with intuitive screens for easy navigation. The control can hold up to 1000 mold recipes and programs are easily backed up using an on-board flash drive. Other standard control features include trending graphs, change log screen, production monitoring and includes different levels of password protection. Screen configurations can also be customized per customer preference.
The PMG-30 is available as a stationary lower platen, side-to-side shuttle, or a 2-4 station rotary table. Custom machine options are available to meet specific customer needs.
For more information about the Atlas line of injection molding machinery please
or call Mark Garrison at 260-693-1500 ext. 108.