CHRT research, recommendations: Healthy aging for adults with long-term physical disabilities

Since 2018, CHRT has focused on promoting healthy aging among adults with long-term physical disabilities. Here's an overview of our policy papers, journal articles, and evidence-based recommendations.

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Marissa Rurka and Melissa Riba in the peer reviewed journal, Disabilities: defining healthy aging

CHRT staff explore how organizations that serve those with physical disabilities define successful aging. Criteria include autonomy and maximized indepdence, living arrangements, health and well-being, and social connectedness.

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Introducing CHRT’s new health and social equity team. A Q&A with team lead, Sharon Kim

In March, CHRT launched a new team focused on health and social equity. Read our interview with Sharon Kim, the team's director.

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New CHRT projects address opioid use and innovations in infectious disease control

Helping the Washtenaw Health Initiative address the root causes of opioid use and Direct Relief synthesize infectious disease control innovations

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Jaque King contributed to a one pager titled Did people with disabilities increase their use of annual wellness visits after the implementation of the ACA? IDEAL RRTC Research Brief, May 1, 2023

Matt Hill was quoted in New system streamlines process of getting substance use disorder treatment in Washtenaw County by Natalia Holtzman, Concentrate, March 22, 2023

Emma Golub was quoted in Medicare’s $35-a-month insulin cap still leaves many residents out of luck by Ted Roelofs, Bridge Michigan, February 21, 2023

Matt Hill was quoted in State health department proposes spending plan for opioid settlement money by Priya Vijayakumar, Michigan Radio, February 11, 2023

Nancy Baum was quoted in Michigan's CCBHCs open mental health access to all by Joanne Bailey-Boursma, Second Wave Media, February 7, 2023

CHRT in the community

Sharon Kim was a panelist at the Health Information Exchange conference in Troy, MI to discuss the continuity of care within and beyond the clinical setting, April 27, 2023

Jonathan Tsao was a panelist at the PIPBHC Learning Collaborative Summit in Austin, Texas, where he shared best practices and lessons learned from Michigan's Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care (PIPBHC) project, April 20-21, 2023

Erica Matti and Sam Iovan represented CHRT at the Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) summit for those working to advance community paramedicine and mobile integrated health, March 15-17, 2023

Marissa Rurka and Melissa Riba presented “Serving those aging with a long-term physical disability during the COVID-19 Pandemic” at an IDEAL RRTC webinar, February 9, 2023

Integrating care systems

Data analysis and reporting

Program evaluation

Systematic and policy analysis

Surveys and

data collection

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