Helping elect officials to all levels of government who are committed to supporting Commonwealth of Virginia veterans who have fought to protect American democracy and the U.S. Constitution.
Veterans for Gade is proud to introduce and advocate for Daniel Gade for U.S. Senate. Daniel Gade is a highly decorated veteran who was severely wounded in Iraq. After completing his service he continued to serve our country in the Department of Labor, helping veterans find jobs. In short, he knows veterans and the challenges facing our country.
To my fellow veteran and to any friend of American democracy,
I am Daniel Gade and like you, early in my life, I raised my right hand to serve my country and support and defend the Constitution. My commitment to that oath did not end when I left the Army.
I seek to continue my service to our country as your Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia by defeating Democrat Mark Warner this November. Winning Virginia’s Republican primary was the first step. But, the mission continues. I need your help to take the objective.
I am not a career politician. My life has taken a different path through the real world. From battlefield and recuperation, through education and teaching, to national policy planning and practice – I have been inspired by our nation’s defenders, guided by gifted leaders, and loved by a supporting family.
Our task and purpose is clear. Voters in Virginia must understand they have a real and historic choice in this election; a veteran ready and able to fight for them to protect and assert our rights, grow jobs, secure communities, and build a better future for all Virginians.
While my opponent hides silent in DC shielded by the pandemic and protected by the establishment media and Democratic distortions, we must rally Virginians to recover and restore our voice in Democracy. I ask you to join the Gade Brigade and help return Virginia to common sense values and real-world priorities.
Same Oath – New Mission. With your help and vote, we can retake the objective and restore the Commonwealth to a prosperous, safe future for all.
Daniel Gade, PhD
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), US Army
Kirk Cox
Virginia House of Delegates - 66th District
Speaker of House of Delegates (2018-2020)
House Majority Leader (2010-2018)
“I'm proud to support Daniel Gade to be our next United States Senator from the Commonwealth. Having seen Daniel passionately campaign across our state, I know that he is the right choice to represent us in Washington. He has spent his adult life serving others, always fulfilling his oath to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." He lived out his oath when he was wounded twice in Iraq, spending a year in the hospital, and undergoing more than forty operations. He will bring a much-needed experience to the Senate floor that includes a full military career, federal service in the Bush administration, and a superior knowledge in public policy. His record shows he has been preparing for service in the Senate for several decades. Daniel is a candidate that we can be proud of and can trust to listen to and serve all Virginians in the Senate.”
Note: Over his 20 year career, Kirk Cox put forth more than 120 pieces of veteran legislation which is more that the next top 3 delegates combined. He is the number one supporter of veterans and the military in the Virginia General Assembly.
Richard (Rich) L. Anderson
Chairman, Republican Party of Virginia
Colonel, USAF(Retired)
"As a 30-year Air Force veteran, former chair of the General Assembly Military and Veterans Caucus, and friend and admirer of Lt. Col Daniel Gade, I have had a ring-side seat and can bear witness to the fact that Daniel is the real deal. He’s a husband, a dad, a battle-test combat leader, a patriot of the highest order. Twice wounded in combat while deployed to Iraq, he lives and models the ethos of “Same Oath, New Mission.” And that high calling is to serve the people of Virginia in the United State Senate with true fidelity to his Constitutional oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” As for me and my house, we stand with Lt. Col. Daniel Gade as our next U.S. Senator from Virginia!"
Bob Wood
Lieutenant General USA(Retired)
Alexandria, Virginia
"I sent Dan to war. He commanded a battle ready, forward deployed company in Korea and I was his Division commander. The Army needed to rapidly deploy his Brigade to backfill a gap of forces on the ground in Ramadi and Fallujah, the toughest area at the toughest time in our fighting in Iraq, 2004. Trained, mission focused, and fully committed, Dan brilliantly led his unit, 150 strong, to fight for our nation. No commander could be prouder of these soldiers and of Dan as a fighter, leader, and commander in combat.
Seriously wounded, recovered, now with advanced education, remarkable academic credentials, and serious policy chops, he once again steps forward for all of us to say “Send Me,” this time to the United States Senate. No American, Virginian, or veteran could be better served by anyone else in Congress. This battle tested and strongly principled man brings the knowledge of hard-earned experience, the passion of a patriot, the drive of an IronMan champion, and the heart of a caring leader to a body of government in dire need of moral restitution and unifying purpose.
Dan was cast by an education at West Point that focused on Duty, Honor, Country. He, no doubt, found strength in the Cadet prayer that affirmed the goal of doing the harder right rather than the easier wrong. Now, he stands strong to represent a new generation in the Senate committed to preserving freedom and protecting our Constitution.
Elect Daniel Gade to be Virginia’s new Senator representing the Commonwealth of Virginia."
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