Introducing DART-TD = Thermal Desorption from Swabs ioniztion by Direct Analysis in Real Time MS 

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Have you been using ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) for your research. Have you thought about the time savings you could have if you could anayze those very same swabs with a mass spectrometer.  We  introduced new Thermal Desorber (TD) module for use with our ambient ionization DART source to enable direct determination of chemicals desorbed from Morphosystems  IMS sample SWAB in seconds per sample.  Use either your DART equipped LC/MS or pair your expertise with a new compact and affordable DART equipped WATERS ACQUITY QDa mass detector.   Don't have a DART?  Get one with a   VAPUR interface designed to couple the DART-TD to your high resolution LC/MS or LC/MS/MS systems. Get accurate mass determination capability and use it to identifying those pesky unknowns. 

DART, its the prefect companion for your research program

We are looking for IMS users to j oin our validation program.  If you are an IMS user you might know that the mechanisms for ionization in DART are very similar to your plasma based ionizers (see Sisco, et al. article cited below). This means you are likely to ionize the same molecules that vex you today, but use our technology to get the mass information you need to validate your assumptions.  We want to help, the next step is yours.

TD module mounted positioned in the DART source ionization region
The TD module is available for DART-SVP and DART-OS units

Another interesting thermal desorber was presented by the BioChromato team in their poster at the AAFS.  The work described the utility of their ionRocket Temperature Gradient System for DART®-MS as used for the vaporization of a collection of synthetic cannibinoids and cathinones.  A schematic of the system is shown below.  For a copy of the poster send an email with ionrocket in the subject line to

Best regards,

Brian Musselman, Ph.D.
President and CEO

Highlighted Publication

Rapid analysis of trace drugs and metabolites using a 
thermal desorption DART-MS configuration

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
Materials Measurement Science Division, Gaithersburg, USA

The need to analyze trace narcotic samples rapidly for screening or confirmatory purposes is of increasing interest to the forensic, homeland security, and criminal justice sectors. This work presents a novel method for the detection and quantification of trace drugs and metabolites off of a swipe material using a thermal desorption direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (TD-DART-MS) configuration. A variation on traditional DART, this configuration allows for desorption of the sample into a confined tube, completely independent of the DART source, allowing for more efficient and thermally precise analysis of material present on a swipe. Over thirty trace samples of narcotics, metabolites, and cutting agents deposited onto swipes were rapidly differentiated using this methodology. The non-optimized method led to sensitivities ranging from single nanograms to hundreds of picograms. Direct comparison to traditional DART with a subset of the samples highlighted an improvement in sensitivity by a factor of twenty to thirty and an increase in reproducibility, measuring integrated area of the base peak, sample to sample from approximately 45% RSD to less than 15% RSD. Rapid extraction-less quantification was also possible.


About IonSense
IonSense, Inc. provides OpenSpot Mass Spectrometry™ solutions to the fields of food safety, forensics, drug development, and chemical analysis. We manufacture and develop direct analysis in real time (DART ®) technology licensed from JEOL USA, Inc. and atmospheric solids analysis probe (ASAP™) licensed from M&M Consulting.

DART and ASAP Sources are available for most commercial LC/MS systems.   Look here to see if your system is DART-ready.  And    check here to see if your system is ASAP-ready.

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