Special Announcement: January 22, 2024

Brought to you by Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer through the Center For

Nutrition & Wellness, a division of the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center

It’s a New Year,

Our Program Has a New Name,

and the Content Has Been Updated and Improved.

I am excited to announce "The Crave Clinic.”

The Cleanse is Now The Crave Clinic

Yes, this is the same Cleanse Program that has been helping people like you for more than 14 years.

But we've updated more than just the name. The content has been revitalized to better depict its many additional aspects beyond detoxification. All Four Pillars of Health that are addressed in my book, Longer Healthier Life, are expanded upon in this program: Eat Right; Sleep Right; Move Right; and Think Right.

Dr. Pfeiffer’s Crave Clinic is a time-honored, goal-oriented program that aims to achieve longterm health and wellness through a 21-day, "Full-System” detoxification along with the guidance and support you need to create the lifestyle you crave.

Does your body feel as if it could use some help? Are you growing sad in the cold, dark winter? How about a change in perspective? Start envisioning a happy, healthy you, sitting on the beach during the summer of 2024.

Sign up to attend our February "Crave Clinic Overview Session" today.


The Crave Clinic will being in early April. It will be preceded by a free, no-obligation Crave Clinic Overview (formerly "the Cleanse Preview”) in which I will explain the process, expectations, benefits, costs, and more. Anyone interested in participating in the Clinic is encouraged to first join the Overview.


February 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

The Crave Clinic will include:

  • Guided supplementation with a focus on detoxifying your system to aid in regaining self-control.
  • Supervised progress monitoring to address your individualized temptations and needs.
  • Education and support to help you recognize and banish junk food and health-adverse behaviors.
  • Access to a non-judgmental, in-person network of fellow cravers with whom you can share the experience.
  • A roadmap for lifestyle improvements that are consistent with our genetic design (a.k.a. a Genetically Congruent Lifestyle).
  • For those who require extended Targeted Functional Nutrition and lifestyle modifications and support, a seamless transition to further care via the Center for Nutrition and Wellness.

My primary goals for you are:

  • reduce toxicity
  • reduce inflammation
  • restore or improve general overall health and wellness

The most common observations from past participants include:

  • a noticeable healthy glow
  • improved sleep
  • reduced anxiety
  • increased energy and stamina
  • a leaner physic*
  • increased mobility
  • fewer aches and pains
  • reduced mental fog
  • improved stress management
  • new cravings for whole food and a vibrant, active lifestyle

*Note: this is NOT intended to be a weight loss program. However, because it aims to break the same unhealthy cycle that causes your body to store excess fat, weight loss is very often observed and appreciated.

If you want to join us for The Spring 2024 Crave Clinic, call 215-679-WELL(9355) or email Kerry to get started.

I look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, stay in touch and let us know if you need anything further.

Remember always, "We Are Here for You!"

Dr. Pfeiffer


Call 215-679-WELL (9355)


Email CenterforNutritionalWellness@gmail.com to register NOW!

Workshop and Seminar Location

1543 Layfield Rd.

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania 18073


Dr. Pfeiffer's Book is on Amazon


Dr. Pfeiffer's Guide to a Longer Healthier Life


1543 Layfield Rd., Rt. 663, Pennsburg, PA 18073 (215) 679-9355

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Copyright 2024, Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Dr. Douglas G Pfeiffer DC | Center for Nutrition and Wellness | 215-679-WELL (9355)