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We hope you enjoy this edition!

Collaboration is the key to success. Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center (FPBCC) Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) was formally established in September 2021 when the FPBCC received a renewal for its Cancer Center Support Grant. Since then, COE has been partnering with various community partners to develop and implement cancer outreach activities. COE Team is excited to publish this inaugural issue of the newsletter to share our stories of collaborations with our partners! 
Associate Director
Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Nikki Carritt, MPH
Project Coordinator
Lady Beverly Luma, BMS
Advisory Boards
Community Advisory Board
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) reflects diverse communities from across FPBCC’s catchment area – the entire state of Nebraska. CAB consists of community representatives as well as health care providers/administrators, policymakers, cancer advocacy groups, Nebraska Cancer Coalition, and Comprehensive Cancer Control Program.
Internal Advisory Board
The Internal Advisory Board (IAB) consists of FPBCC leaders and individuals who lead campus-wide community outreach and engagement activities.
COE Picture Contest
We mean it when we say your voice matters and we want to work together to reduce the cancer burden in Nebraska. In this light, we want to hear from you.

Send us an image or picture that represents the importance of community outreach and engagement towards cancer. This could be a picture you took, designed, or drew. COE team will vote for a winner that will receive a $50 gift card.

Kindly email all entries to by midnight, March 31st, 2022.
COE Activities
Nebraska Community Health Needs Assessment
In collaboration with the Nebraska Cancer Coalition (NC2) and the Nebraska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, COE is conducting a statewide cancer community health needs assessment.

As part of the assessment, the COE Team, and its partners have been conducting listening sessions with many different population groups.

See the reports to learn about the findings from listening sessions from rural, African American, Latinx community groups. We are currently conducting listening sessions with other community groups including Native American and LGBTQ+ communities. Also, see the infographics to learn about cancer issues affecting African American, Latinx, and Native American communities in Nebraska. 
COE Community Health Grants
COE is honored to have launched the Community Health Grants. These grants support new and existing projects facilitating cancer prevention and control activities conducted by a community organization. Congratulations to these organizations selected for funding:

Helping Cancer Patients Have a Better Quality of Life 
Heartland Cancer Foundation plans to empower low-income cancer patients, in rural communities to overcome burdens related to cancer and improve their quality of life.

Implementation of a Lung Cancer Screening Program in Rural Central Nebraska
Mary Lanning, a nonprofit community hospital in Rural Nebraska, plans to re-launch a lung cancer screening (LCS) program.

Multiple Myeloma Diversity Education and Sensitization 
The Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation plans to help decrease misdiagnosis & mistreatment while supporting caregivers to improve the quality of life of their loved ones.
Events and Outreach Activities
COE Sponsored Webinar: Getting Cancer Screening Back on Track During COVID-19
Thursday, February 24, 12p-1p (CST)

Speaker: Angie Rolle, MPH, Vice President, Regional Cancer Control, American Cancer Society 

Join us for a presentation on the substantial decline in cancer screenings resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting impact on cancer incidence and mortality. Screening plays an important role in cancer prevention and early detection. Learn more about strategies and resources to help get cancer screenings back on track.

You are receiving this newsletter due to your expressed interest in cancer community outreach & engagement. We are slowly growing our distribution list. Please forward to others who may be interested.  Moving forward, the newsletter will be archived on our website for easy access. 
To subscribe/unsubscribe, please email

We hope you enjoy this edition!