Congratulations on Filing for the May 30th Virginia 10th CD Convention in these Unusual Times!
Congratulations on filing to become a Loudoun delegate to the 10th Congressional District Convention on May 30, 2020 in Winchester, VA, assuming no changes from the COVID-19! It is incredibly important for dedicated conservatives of Virginia to attend and vote in this convention to ensure that our district is represented by those who will fight for conservative values. By signing up for the 10th Congressional District Convention, you have volunteered your valuable time in service of the Republican Party, and we thank you for your dedication!

Ginni and Jo-Ann have an ever growing list of conservative leaders who have endorsed their campaign, and we would prayerfully ask for your support and endorsement as well.
What You Need to Know About the National Delegate Election
You may have signed up for the 10th Congressional District Convention in order to vote to elect the District Chairman, or to nominate the Republican candidate for member of the U.S. House of Representatives. However, delegates who have paid the $25.00 filing fee will also be tasked at the Convention with electing three delegates and three alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina from August 24-27, 2020.
At the National Convention in Charlotte, the national delegates you elect will vote to select the Republican Party’s nominees for President and Vice President in the 2020 United States presidential election. Additionally, the national delegates will have the responsibility of ensuring that the national Republican Party platform stays strong on our core principles.
An Introduction to Ginni Thomas and Jo-Ann Chase
Ginni and Jo-Ann have supported conservative policies at the local, state and national level for years, and will represent those who have supported President Trump and conservative policies in Charlotte this summer.
What You Need to Know about Jo-Ann Chase
  • Trump supporter since 2015, and current surrogate for the White House Office of Communications and the Republican National Committee for CNN, Telemundo and Univision TV, 2015-Present.
  • Chairman of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Virginia.
  • VA State Director of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, 2015-Present.
  • Elected 10th Congressional District Representative, RPV State Central Committee, 2008-2011.
  • Member of Rep. Frank Wolf’s Hispanic Advisory Committee, 2007-2012.
  • Loudoun County Republican Committee: Member, former Precinct Captain, former Magisterial Chairman, former Voter ID Program Coordinator.
What You Need to Know about Ginni Thomas
  • National Delegate to RNC from VA in 2016, has attended several national conventions since 1976 (Kansas City).
  • Lifelong Political Activist: from Nebraska College Republican Chair, to a precinct captain in northern Virginia, to placing volunteers at polls or having flash mobs at intersections for President Trump, Ginni has devoted herself to liberty causes since the 1970s, when she was a teenager of a conservative Nebraska mother who ran for state legislature.
  • Helped form Northern Virginia Deplorables when support for President Trump was lacking from local and state GOP leadership.
  • Assists President Trump's White House with Quarterly Conservative Leader briefings.
  • Worked in Congress as a leadership staffer for Rep. Dick Armey, served as a political appointee for several Republican Presidents, worked at The Heritage Foundation, helped Hillsdale College set up a Washington office, and worked in conservative media for 7 years interviewing leaders for The Daily Caller.
  • Known and respected as a voice for preserving liberty for grassroots and patriotic citizens in Washington!
Check Out Our New Website!
You can view our new website at . The website has more detailed information on Ginni and Jo-Ann and the endorsements that our campaign has received so far. In addition, the website contains easy-to-use forms for you to contact our endorse our campaign, if you are interested.
We Need Your Support and Prayers for Our Great Nation!
Assuming the May 30th Convention is on, we respectfully request that you consider voting for us as two of the three national delegates from the 10th District to the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, as we would be honored to have your support! We thank you for taking the time to read our introduction, and look forward to speaking with you in detail in the future. If you wish to schedule a time to talk with us, please contact Jo-Ann Chase at (571) 258-7468 or .
God Bless You and God Bless America,
Ginni and Jo-Ann