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Website Highlight: Client Testimonials

Want a better idea of what our products are like or what it's like to train with me? Read up from those who have blazed the trail before you and lived to tell about it. I'm grateful for the kind words said by clients like Ashley W.:

He's professional, courteous, TIMELY, smart, and funny. And, he gets results! He'll even come to you to train.

Read more on the site or submit your own if you would like.

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Fitness App Spotlight: HIIT Interval Training Timer by Giorgio Regni
This app has been a great addition to my interval training routine. While it
has a few quirks it makes up for it with its numerous options, easy set-up and trainer like whistle. All things that make it a great download for Android users. I use it most when I'm doing my 8 minute abs in the Athlete's Challenge Workout. The audio cues are perfect for getting me through those last couple of sets.

Not an android user? Check out this Huffpost piece for other interval app options.

Welcome to JKF Fitness & Health

Hello Friends,

Happy Friday and Weekend! This email is the grand announcement of the launch of my new company JKF Fitness & Health. Your solution for innovative, fresh and simple approaches to healthy living and working out.

So many people have been a great help in getting this off the ground and I look forward to giving back as much as possible through this company. Starting by having this email pull double duty as the first JKF Fitness & Health Newsletter.


-Cardio Tips Designed to Maximize Spring Fun

-New Online Payment Options for Personal Training Sessions and JKFFH Program Design

-What's On Your Spring Body Checklist? Muscles -- Get Ripped --  

-Website Highlight: Client Testimonials

-Fitness App Spotlight: HIIT Interval Training Timer by Giorgio Regni  

Cardio Tips Designed to Maximize Spring Fun

The weather is warming here in the Northeast (finally) and I could not be happier. Despite this being the worst time of year for me due to allergies, I love spring: longer days, sunlight, no more heavy jackets, outdoor activities. Spring is great. And if you're like me and want to enjoy Spring to the fullest, being in great cardiovascular shape is the best way to ensure that Spring time fun is maximized.

Here are three tips that can be applied for indoor and outdoor (with the proper tracking equipment or apps) cardio sessions that will have you looking and feeling great for hours on end.

1. Full Body Machines/Activities - If you're in a gym, gravitate to machines that require use of your arms, legs, and core. The more muscles working at once the more calories and fat you'll burn.   

2. Mixing it Up - Spend between 10 to 20 minutes on 3 different machines for your cardio workout session. The constant mix up doesn't let your body get comfortable and allows you to work at higher intensities for a long period of time.  

3. Engage - The biggest mistake I see people make with cardio is hopping on and going through the motions. Be as efficient with your cardio as possible, by giving yourself minute-to-minute benchmarks.  

More about these three tips can be found in the JKF Fitness & Health Blog.

New Online Payment Options for Personal Training Sessions and JKFFH Program Design
Exciting news, we've integrated PayPal payment solutions into the website, making it easier than ever to start your wellness program with JKFFH. Check it out here and take advantage of introductory pricing for hour long training sessions ($80) and one month wellness programs ($100).


What's On Your Spring Body Checklist? Muscles --  Get Ripped --
Spring is finally somewhat here in NYC, which means the annual unveiling of NYCers' "tank-eist" wardrobes is beginning. As we transition from coats and sweaters to t-shirts and tanks, JKF Fitness & Health has got your back to make sure your body is ready.


While I normally like to approach fitness/working out from a health and feeling good direction, I have to admit, I like having "viewable" muscles - loosely defined as those viewed through the sense of sight versus the sense of touch. Thus, muscle-building workouts have to stay in a heavy rotation in my fitness routine.


What are these "muscle building" workouts you ask? Well I can tell you from studies, anecdotal trials and observations that it comes down to sets, reps and exercise variation.


Here's the breakdown of my go-to muscle increasing lifting routine:


*A warm-up set of 20 reps (light weight, 50 to 60% of a 1 rep max)

*4 "working sets" of 8 - 12 reps (sets can increase in weight or slowly decrease to ensure rep amount)

*Body part focus (3 to 5 exercises for each major muscle group - chest, legs, back, shoulders, arms)

*Alternating Exercise Method - machine, barbell, dumbbell/iso-lateral

*One or two functional movements


For a workout example, check out the corresponding muscle building JKFFH Blog Post.


I started JKF Fitness & Health to help people and in that light, I've created JKFFH Q&A to answer any and all questions you might have about fitness, wellness and working out. You can check out the first featured edition on the JKFFH Blog and feel free to ask your questions through our blog comments sections, social media pages or website contact form. Look forward to hearing from you soon!



John Ford
JKF Fitness & Health