Tailored Youth Tobacco Treatment Services Launched in Maine

We are pleased to announce that the Maine QuitLink suite of services has been expanded to include My Life, My Quit, a tailored tobacco treatment service for 13-17 year olds.

Developed with youth input, the program provides free and confidential quit coaching through phone, chat and texted-based sessions with a tobacco treatment specialist, MLMQ supports youth who use combustible, smokeless, and electronic tobacco products. The program, being offered in more than 20 other states, also features web-based services and tailored educational materials.

Accessing My Life, My Quit

Enrolling in My Life My Quit is easy and can be done online (me.mylifemyquit.org), over the phone (1-855-891-9989) or via text message (text “Start My Quit” to 36072). 

Trusted adults, including providers, school personnel, youth-serving entities and other community organization, can refer a teen to My Life My Quit online.

Coordination between the Maine QuitLink and My Life, My Quit service will ensure that Maine youth and adults who use tobacco products will be connected to the age-appropriate evidence-based service.

Promote My Life, My Quit

My Life, My Quit promotional materials, including posters, rack cards and info cards, can be downloaded through the My Life, My Quit website.

Learn More About My Life, My Quit


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