Dear OCSA Families,

We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer vacation and that you are starting to get excited about the new school year! 

At this time, we would like to introduce you to the OCSA Administrative Team and Counselors for the 2023-2024 school year. As you might recall, this past June we announced that Ms. Abbe Levine would be returning to the OCSA campus to serve on the OCSA Administrative Team and that we would be using this transition as an opportunity to evaluate and shift responsibilities among the OCSA Administrative Team as a whole.

Please read below to meet our 2023-2024 OCSA Administrative Team and learn about each team member’s responsibilities. These individuals are available to support you along your OCSA journey in order to make your time here as memorable and meaningful as possible.

Mr. Michael Ciecek works with OCSA’s 2,300 students, 350 teachers, 100 support staff, and the other members of the Administrative Team to create an OCSA community that students and staff are happy and excited to be a part of. Mr. Ciecek’s vision for OCSA is for it to be a school that students and staff are eager to get to each morning, so that by the end of the day, they are exhausted because of their great experiences in their academic and conservatory classes, and once they get home, they say to themselves, “I cannot wait to get to school tomorrow.”

In Mr. Ciecek’s own words, “For OCSA students, this is the place that inspires them. Although my children do not attend OCSA, they have found schools that inspire them and fulfill their wants and needs. All schools should set a goal of being inspirational to their students and staff. We have a great OCSA community of individuals who work hard for each other and deliver that inspiration. It is an honor for me to be a part of it, because that is what fills my bucket each and every day.”
Assistant Principal of Instruction

Dr. Kimberly Barraza Lyons oversees the curriculum and instruction of the school’s academic program, standardized and Advanced Placement (AP) testing, the English Language Learners program, and professional development for teachers.
Assistant Principal of Student Services

Ms. Becca Freeland oversees the school counselors and support staff in the Student Services Office, helping to coordinate all aspects of student academic and social-emotional support. In addition, Ms. Freeland oversees the school registrar, student transcripts, and entertainment work permits.
Assistant Principal of Arts

Dr. Maria Lazarova works closely with all of the conservatory directors to oversee and coordinate each conservatory’s instructional program and Career Technical Education (CTE) credentials for elective and conservatory teachers. In addition, she oversees and manages an annual production calendar of more than 200 performances.
Assistant Principal of Student Supervision (New!)

Ms. Abbe Levine will primarily be responsible for student behavior management, attendance, and restorative practices. She will also supervise the Health Office and play a pivotal role in the Student Attendance Review Team (SART), in addition to helping lead ongoing initiatives with the Coalition for Antiracism & Inclusion and the student E-Culture Board. Ms. Levine will work closely with campus security and local law enforcement in her areas of responsibility.
Director of Special Services (New!)

In her new role, Ms. Lauren Reynolds will be overseeing all aspects of Special Services at OCSA. In addition to her own personal expertise as a behavior interventionist, Ms. Reynolds will be responsible for Individual Education Plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, instructional aides, school psychologists, and mental health professionals. This support is provided for students throughout both the academic and conservatory instructional day.
Learning Specialist

Ms. Shelley Stanphill facilitates the Student Study Team (SST) process for students and works with teachers on their instructional practices in the classroom. Ms. Stanphill also assists Drs. Barraza Lyons and Lazarova in coordinating professional development and growth for all teachers on the OCSA campus.
We would also like to use this opportunity to share that Dr. William Wallace is transitioning to support some new special projects at OCSA. In addition to these projects, he will remain involved with supporting the OCSA Administrative Team in the areas of facilities and safety management.
Our school counselors support and work with all OCSA students in the areas of academics, college and career goals, and personal/social/emotional development.

Middle School Counselor

High School Counselor (Last Names A-Do)

High School Counselor (Last Names Dr-Kh)

High School Counselor (Last Names Ki-Me)

High School Counselor (Last Names Mi-Sh)

High School Counselor (Last Names Si-Z)
We hope you enjoy the remaining days of your summer, and we look forward to seeing you on campus next week at On-Campus Registration. The start of the school year is right around the corner!


OCSA Administration

Cc: All OCSA Faculty/Staff