February 16, 2023
To the Pace Community:
I’m pleased to announce the kickoff of our PaceWorks project, a community-wide effort to simplify student administrative processes that is designed to deliver a better customer experience to our students while also helping us to drive student success.

As part of our strategic plan, Pace Forward, we recommitted the University to a forward-thinking, student-centered culture. The PaceWorks project will leverage technology to help us to deliver an easier, smoother, faster customer experience for our students, and it will also provide faculty and staff with improved visibility and transparency into the student roadmap, aligned across departments and campuses. These improvements will enable us to help more Pace students achieve their goals by supporting improvements in retention and graduation rates.

Ultimately, this work will enable a range of improvements, including:

  • For students, more comprehensive and accessible self-service resources to plan course and degree requirements and track progress toward degree completion, and an improved and streamlined graduation application process;
  • For faculty, better tools and a streamlined degree audit process to improve the ability to connect with and support students, and easier access to student intervention tools that support student success; and 
  • For staff, University-wide process improvements to enhance collaboration and communication, more automated processes to decrease time spent on data entry, and more time for value-added work and deeper student connections.

PaceWorks will be a two-year initiative that relies upon participation and input from students, faculty, and staff. It’s built on a strategic vision developed after a comprehensive audit of administrative strengths and process opportunities across student-facing departments, and is designed to make comprehensive, cross-functional improvements. It will include regular assessment and reports on progress toward established goals. We are working with our partners at CampusWorks, who have spent more than 20 years working with colleges and universities to improve institutional effectiveness and enhance the student experience. Their experts will be working alongside our teams to enhance and develop strategies.

As we dig into this work over the next few months, we need your continued participation and support. We will communicate changes and updates that will affect you, and we will solicit your feedback through focus groups and other less formal structures. Your contributions will be crucial to accomplishing our goals. For detailed information about the project, please visit the PaceWorks website. If you have any comments or questions, please submit them to [email protected].

The PaceWorks project will help us to build a stronger Pace University and deliver even better results for our students. Thank you for your participation as we strive to more fully live up to our mission of Opportunitas.
Nicole Thompson Williams
Senior Vice President for Operations
See our Return to Campus website for additional communications from Pace University. For the most current information for the Haub Law School community, click here.