Help Us Welcome Zakari Madougou

as RAIN's new Country Director!

A Niger-native, Zakari comes to RAIN with over 35 years of experience in rural development.

He has served as Country Director for Helen Keller International in Niger and Guinea, and Country Director for CARE in Ivory Coast. 

Zakari's long history at these organizations, among others, has enabled him to develop expertise in resilience, local development, natural resource management, food security, humanitarian response, and post-crisis rehabilitation.

His extensive leadership experience prepared him to hit the ground running. He is hard at work with the RAIN Team in Niamey and Agadez to ensure RAIN is well-positioned to continue our critical work in this complex context.

Read Zakari's bio here.

We're excited to welcome Zakari to RAIN and look forward to offering opportunities for you to hear from him directly

- did we mention he speaks English, French,

Zarma, Hausa, and Portuguese!?

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Rain for the Sahel and Sahara | [email protected] | 603-371-0676