E-NEWS replaces the SSJ Newsletter and will be published "as the news happens."

E-NEWS is available for viewing on the SSJ website.

Edition No. 1     March 16, 2016
New SSJ Associates in Mission
On Sunday, March 6, 2016, in the Motherhouse Chapel, five women made their commitment as Associates in Mission: Rita Beinke, Carol Hughes, Wanda Marshall, Eileen Mullen and Janet Stankos.  
The purpose of association is to foster the response to the universal call to holiness through mutual support. Associates are persons who feel called to embrace with enthusiasm the mission of unity of neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God.  

Associate membership has a long and rich history in the Congregation. In the mid-seventh century, when the Congregation was founded, there were individuals who became spiritual companions and co-workers of the sisters while continuing in their own lifestyle as married, widowed or single persons. In response to the Second Vatican Council, religious congregations returned to their primitive documents to discover anew the vision of their founders. Through this process the Sisters of Saint Joseph reclaimed the tradition of associates, as they are referred to in the Primitive Constitutions.  

We extend a heartfelt welcome to our new Associates in Mission as, together, we journey in unity and serve the needs of the dear neighbor.

Pictured from left: Sister Rita Woehlcke SSJ , Eileen Mullen, Carol Hughes, Sister Mary Carroll McCaffrey SSJ , Margot Zuccarello, Rita Beinke, Janet Stankos and Wanda Marshall.

Read entire SSJ E-NEWS
Donor-Thank-You-Brunch Severna Park, MD
The Staff of the Development Office held a Donor-Thank-You-Brunch at St. John the Evangelist Convent, in Severna Park, Maryland on Sunday, March 6, 2016. Sister Kathleen Pales SSJ, Director of Development, shares: “We enjoyed thanking twenty-five friends of our Congregation who gathered for brunch and conversation. The sisters shared updates on the Saint Joseph Villa Renewal and Revitalization Project, the Welcome Center, and Saint Mary-by-the-Sea and gave tours of the convent. These generous donors seemed to enjoy the opportunity to visit with the sisters and enjoy their home and hospitality. We are deeply grateful for their prayers and generous financial support.”

Photos courtesy Sister Sharon McCarthy SSJ

Pictured Top: Anne Dashiell and Katrese Brown

Middle, from left:  Sister Maureen Patrick SSJ,
Dr. Robert Murphy, Mrs. Nancy Murphy and
Sister Kathleen Pales SSJ

Bottom, from left: Bill Croll and Finley Silk (granddaughter of Bud and Kathleen Silk)

Spring Consultation 
Saint Joseph Villa
Sisters gathered in the Villa dining room on Monday, March 7, 2016 for the Spring Consultation meeting. After prayerfully reflecting on the preparation materials, the sisters shared with one another that God is inviting us as a Congregation to “share deliberately and passionately our SSJ spirituality,” and to “commit ourselves, our corporate voice and appropriate resources to the flourishing of Earth.”
Villa Lay Residents
History Lesson of the Sisters of Saint Joseph

As the Renewal and Renovation Project at Saint Joseph Villa continues, lay residents have been invited to learn more about the history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

On March 7, 2016, Sister Betty McVeigh SSJ, Social Services Assistant, and Sister Fran Hart SSJ, Director of Volunteers, met with residents in small groups in the solarium on the second floor. Pictures and artifacts, showing the history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, are displayed in the solarium, a perfect setting to tell ‘our story.’  

Sister Betty led the group in prayer, reflecting on Joseph as Husband of Mary, Father of Jesus, Daring Dreamer, Guardian Defender, Humble Servant, Mentor, Carpenter and Faithful Companion.  

Sister Fran then presented a brief history of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, using the pictures and artifacts as visual aids. Sister Fran explained, “Soon we will begin talking about naming our new household communities. One of our dreams is to have the names reflect who we are as Sisters of Saint Joseph. We hope this information and input today will give you a deeper sense of who the Sisters of Saint Joseph are.”  

In conclusion, Sister Betty spoke of the Villa Renovation Project. “Hopefully, through this project, we will become more of a family.” Holding up the picture of the lace and comparing the lace to the Villa community, Betty continued, “You can’t tell where the lace begins or ends. Each one of us is a thread in the creation of the lace. Each one of us is continuing to be part of the design that is Saint Joseph Villa. Every single person who walks through our doors, regardless of his or her role, is important to our ‘home.’ Together, with great trust in God, we walk toward our future.”      
Pictured top: seated, left to right: Mrs. Catherine MacFarland, Mrs. Italia Cellini, Mrs. Jane Donohoe and Mrs. Elizabeth Waller
Pictured standing: Sister Betty McVeigh SSJ and Sister Fran Hart SSJ
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | |