Dear Malden Catholic Alumni,

I am thrilled to introduce you to the Lancer News, Malden Catholic's new alumni newsletter. This monthly newsletter will serve as my main source of communication to keep you informed about the latest developments at MC, alumni achievements, and upcoming alumni events. Plus, you can also check out the alumni page on the new MC website through this link.

You are an important member of the Malden Catholic community, and I look forward to our continued efforts to nurture lifelong connections and uphold the spirit of MC. The Lancer News is designed to be a valuable resource for keeping you connected with Malden Catholic and your fellow alumni. I would like to invite you to contribute your stories, accomplishments, and ideas to make this newsletter a vibrant reflection of our incredible alumni network. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] with anything you'd like to share.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Ryan Layton '02

Director of Alumni Relations

MC Alumni Soccer Game Is Renamed and Dedicated to Stephen J. O'Neil '78, P'15

The Malden Catholic Alumni Soccer game has been renamed and dedicated to Stephen J. O'Neil '78, P'15 for his dedication and service to Malden Catholic, as well as for the success and legacy of Malden Catholic Soccer. Pictured on the right, Nick Scenna '02 and MC Boys Varsity Soccer Coach Scott Elias '96 present the inaugural Coach O'Neil Alumni Game Trophy. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the alumni who participated, making the event a great success! Check out more photos on MC's Public SmugMug through this link (password - maldencatholic99).

Upcoming Alumni Events

Tuesday, October 10

Lancers of Golf (Rescheduled from September 18) 10 AM Registration, 11 AM Shotgun

Friday, October 13

Alumni BBQ - 5 PM

Saturday, November 25

Alumni Fun Run - 11 AM

Thursday, January 4

Lancers in College Day - 3 PM

Saturday, January 20

Alumni Hockey Game - 2 PM

Friday, February 9

HOOPs MC vs CM Alumni Gathering - 6:30 PM

Saturday, March 23

Alumni Cornhole Tournament - 11 AM

Saturday, April 6

Malden Catholic Gala - 6 PM

Sunday, April 7

Women’s Day of Recollection - 11 AM

Friday, May 17

Class of 1974 Class Reunion - 2:30 PM

Saturday, June 1

Alumni Lacrosse Game - 10 AM

Alumni BBQ - 10.13 at 5 PM

MC alumni and faculty/staff are invited to join us on Friday, October 13 at 5 PM for an Alumni BBQ celebrating the legendary career of Bob Bucchino ‘71, P’10!

This complementary event will be held on the Donovan Field during MC’s football game against St. John’s Prep. Dinner, soft drinks and a cash bar will be provided along with a special halftime presentation.

Please register by October 6 through this link.

MC In The News

Brendan Collier '12 Joins Malden Catholic as Varsity Boys Hockey Coach

In the annals of our school's storied history, there exists a select group of individuals whose achievements on the ice have not only left an indelible mark on our sports legacy but have also ignited a profound sense of pride among the entire alumni community.

Today, we find ourselves celebrating the triumphant return of one such luminary, an alumnus whose name is now etched alongside the greatest to ever don our school's jersey. Brendan Collier, a recently inducted member of our school's Hall of Fame, along with his teammates, has come full circle, stepping into the prestigious role of head hockey coach.

This remarkable journey, from player to legend to mentor, embodies a rich tapestry of dedication, passion, and excellence that continues to inspire all those who cross his path.

Brendan Collier to Coach Malden Catholic Hockey Team

Malden Catholic announced that former MC great Brendan Collier will take over as head boys hockey coach.

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Alumni Spotlight

Nicolas Gennetti '02

We are thrilled to announce that one of our own, Nick Gennetti '02, has been appointed as the CEO of The Herb Chambers Companies. His journey from Malden Catholic to this prestigious role is a testament to his dedication and the transformative power of education.

Nick attributes his success to the valuable lessons he learned at Malden Catholic. His commitment to our institution's principles and teachings has guided him to this remarkable milestone. As he takes the helm at The Herb Chambers Companies, we have no doubt that his leadership will reflect the excellence instilled in him by Malden Catholic.

Nick is a steadfast supporter of Malden Catholic and acknowledges his deep gratitude to the school and its stewards for the lasting impact they've had on his life. I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Nick at his office to discuss his journey, influences, family, student internship program, and love for MC. We wish Nick continued success in both his personal and professional life.

How does it feel to be named CEO of Herb Chambers?

It still feels a bit surreal. For those who know me, they understand that this is a lifelong dream come true. When I first learned of my new role, I was completely awestruck, but that feeling was quickly replaced by a sense of incredible responsibility and gratitude. Working for Herb Chambers, the person, is truly a privilege. He is not only a tremendous businessman but also an exceptional human and leader. It will forever be an honor to work for him and to serve all his team members in this capacity.


What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of your new role?

There are many challenges that come with this role, but managing time has become the most challenging of all. I have always been a "workaholic," but I am also a husband and father of three young boys. Balancing my career and family life can be challenging at times.

The most rewarding aspect is having the ability to help influence and grow the careers of others while watching them improve their lives and the lives of their families. I was fortunate to have a few mentors who did this for me, and I feel a responsibility to "pay it forward" and do the same for others.


Do you feel that MC has contributed to your professional and personal success?

Malden Catholic made a tremendous impact on my life. It prepared me for adulthood, for which I will always be grateful. Unfortunately, my father passed away when I was eleven years old, and my mother was diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer during my senior year. She passed away not long after graduation. The immediate life challenges that followed were difficult. I quickly needed to enter the professional world while trying to continue my education. My MC education provided me with a strong work ethic and a drive to always go above and beyond, or as we say, "more beyond." I credit my professional and personal success to consistently delivering results that exceed expectations, which is what our motto, "Plus Ultra," is all about.


Is there something you will always remember from your high school experience?

There are so many memories and people that I will always remember, many of whom are still there! I had the pleasure of running into Ms. Angela Lee this summer while vacationing in Maine with my family. She, like many others, is invaluable to the school and the entire MC community.

I often think about the camaraderie of my classmates and all the fun we had during our journey together. There are countless stories that still make me smile to this day. I will never forget those times, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.



What would be your advice to current students?

George Bernard Shaw once said, "youth is wasted on the young." While I don't completely agree with him, there is some truth to this statement. No matter what stage in life we are in, we are always thinking about and worrying about the next phase in our life journey. The best advice I can give to students is to truly enjoy your time at Malden Catholic. Be present and relish every moment of your high school experience.


How do you feel about the MC internship program?

The MC Internship Program provides a great opportunity for students to experience the professional world firsthand. I often tell the story of the first intern I worked with. On his first day with me, he quickly realized that a business background was not for him. He had told me that business was the "safe bet," and he disliked sitting at a desk and being in an office. I asked him what he was passionate about, and he said "aviation" and that he always wanted to be a pilot. I connected him with someone in the aviation field who showed him private aircraft and provided insight into four-year aviation and aerospace programs. I am still in touch with this fellow alum today, and I am pleased to report that he is in his senior year working toward his commercial pilot's license.

MC's Summer Internship Program is a rewarding experience for both the student and the host. If your business is interested in offering internships in Business or STEM fields at Malden Catholic, please contact Jeannine R. Reardon, Esq., GC '89, P'23, Director of Student Leadership Programs, at [email protected].

Stay Connected!

We love to stay in touch and follow the journey of our amazing alumni and alumnae! We have over 10,000 graduates from Malden Catholic and Girls Catholic and we enjoy creating opportunities for our alumni to return to campus, connect with our current students and reconnect with each other. 

Please share your news with Malden Catholic and photos from your wedding, promotions and accomplishments and we will publish the information in the Malden Catholic Magazine!

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