Introducing Wildpath
We create stories and campaigns to inspire the protection of land and water for wildlife and people.

June 13, 2022

Dear Friend,

The Path of the Panther team is excited to announce that our organization, formerly Florida Wild, has a new name - Wildpath. We are the same team of storytellers, explorers and conservationists working to inspire the protection of land and water for wildlife and people. As Wildpath, we will continue to create stories and campaigns for conservation impact in Florida - and beyond!

Wildpath's primary focus remains the Path of the Panther project. With support from the National Geographic Society and a network of partners, we continue to tell the story of the Florida Panther and the land it needs to survive - the Florida Wildlife Corridor. We are building toward the release of a feature length documentary film later this year as the centerpiece of a conservation impact campaign that will reach global audiences - more details to come!

Following our success in leading the campaign behind the Florida Wildlife Corridor Act, we continue to document and advocate for the Florida Wildlife Corridor through impactful storytelling. Our team is working with state agencies and partners to photograph the pieces of the Corridor that have been recently approved for protection, and we are using the photos and videos to create social media toolkits that share and celebrate these successes. Please check out our toolkits here and share with your audiences, along with a Storymap that helps share the landscapes in context.

As our organization grows, we hope to expand our efforts to help connect and protect other wild places across the planet. We have begun a project in the Gulf of Mexico where corridors are not just green, but blue. And we are beginning to use lessons learned in Florida to connect and protect corridors across state borders and beyond.

As we work toward a future where people and nature thrive in balance, we look to the wild path as our way to get there. We hope that you will continue to join us on this journey. 

Many thanks, 

The Wildpath Team
Get connected with us on Instagram and Facebook.