2023 Vestry Nominees

Please join us in gratitude for year's slate of nominees: Patricia Haeberle, Will Newman, Breck Wheeler, and Greg Wilber. Nominees for the vestry have been thoughtfully and prayerfully chosen by your vestry nominating committee. Committee members Jan Callen, Anne Maradik, David Moroney, Sally Nesbitt, David Silvester, Emily Walker, Charlotte Ward, and Kelly Worman received your nominations and collectively presented this slate of nominees to serve a 3-year term beginning in 2023.

We invite you to learn more about the individuals below and to participate in the upcoming Annual Meeting, which includes a ratifying election for this slate of candidates.

Annual Parish Meeting & Vestry Election

Sunday, January 29

10:05am in Legacy Hall

Patricia Haeberle

Current Occupation: Nurse Practitioner at Heart, Lung & Vascular Surgery at Ascension Saint Thomas


What brought you to St. George’s? Our family moved back to Nashville in 2014. We were looking for a vibrant community of believers where we could grow our family and deepen our faith. 


What excites you about St. George’s today and in the future? I am very excited about the growth at St. George’s. The parish is thriving with new members across all generations. I want to continue to encourage members already a part of the parish to become more involved in the multiple ministry opportunities. I am especially excited about the children’s and youth ministries. Our leadership is making this a place where children and youth are excited to attend events and a place they want to invite their friends to be a part.


How do you hope to serve as a leader on the vestry? I am humbled to be asked to serve as a vestry member. My hope is to provide thoughtful leadership, taking into account the diversity of our parish. I would like to encourage others to seek opportunities to participate in programs and events.


How do you model Christian leadership at St. George’s and in the greater Nashville community? For me, Christian leadership is about being a servant. I want to serve where God leads me whether that is by volunteering at a church event, as a part of a professional work committee, or in the larger Nashville area. I want to continue encouraging those around me to become leaders and serve.

Will Newman

Current Occupation: Owner, Edley’s Bar-B-Que and Pancho & Lefty’s Cantina

What brought you to St. George’s? St. George’s was recommended to Catharine and I by the Rev. Huey Gardner, our rector from St. Mary’s in Birmingham, AL. It quickly felt like home.

What excites you about St. George’s today and in the future? Our parish is blessed to have incredible clergy with a clear vision for our future which is grounded in scripture. We also love the direction of the children’s ministry.

How do you hope to serve as a leader on the vestry? In the gospels, Jesus models the importance of asking questions as opposed to giving answers. I will seek to understand, then ask more questions. The questions we ask will determine our church’s future. 

How do you model Christian leadership at St. George’s and in the greater Nashville community? At our new restaurant openings, we ask the clergy to offer a blessing. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate our faith to our team members. We also offer corporate chaplain services to our teams. Catharine and I both challenge ourselves to find a way to say “yes” at St. George’s. The “yes” mindset has blessed us more than we deserve.  

Breck Wheeler

Current Occupation: I am currently self-employed working as the Financial Director of a local non-profit, NeedLink Nashville (formerly Big Brothers of Nashville).

What brought you to St. George’s? My family came to St. George’s to worship, seek Christian education, and share fellowship in community.

What excites you about St. George’s today and in the future? There is a lot to be excited about at St. George’s today and in the future. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been particularly impressed with our increased outreach efforts. From St. George’s Enterprise Ministry (SGEM) to quarterly mission events, this parish provides increasing opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community.

How do you hope to serve as a leader on the vestry? I hope to be a representative of the congregation and a servant to the needs of our parish. I welcome the opportunity to help out in a variety of capacities to support the mission of our church and our clergy.

How do you model Christian leadership at St. George’s and in the greater Nashville community? For the last ten years or so, I have been blessed to co-lead the Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study with Leslie Overby. Gathering together each fall and spring, this group of faithful women have been a tremendous spiritual support to me and to each other through praying and studying together.

I have also been fortunate to serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister at The Table since its formation ten years ago. It has been exciting to see this ministry grow from Johnson Hall to now completely filling the new gymnasium space.

Over the last five years, Luanne Waltemath and I have been co-leading the efforts to partner with Jones Paideia Elementary School. Located in North Nashville, the school has a large economically disadvantaged student body. It has been a delight to coordinate the efforts of St. George’s parish with the needs of the school. We have hosted a food pantry, provided uniforms, books and art supplies, tutored, built an outdoor classroom, sent Christmas gifts, and more. 

Most recently, I began working with NeedLink Nashville as their Finance Director. NeedLink primarily provides rent and utility payments to families in crisis in Davidson County. Over the last several years, demand for assistance has been high — driven by the pandemic and the effects of rising inflation. 

Greg Wilber

Current Occupation: Retired, Interventional Cardiovascular Sales Manager


What brought you to St. George’s? In 2008, my wife Karen and I were searching for a new church home. I had been baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal faith, so we chose to visit St George’s. We were treated with genuine warmth by members of the congregation and clergy. We enjoyed a joyous liturgy and a wonderful sermon. That first Sunday convinced us that we had indeed found our new church home.


What excites you about St. George’s today and in the future? When I attend services, bible studies, or events at St. George’s, I am encouraged in my faith and I always enjoy good fellowship. I find the sermons to be fulfilling, Bible study and Sunday school are informative, and social events are warm and friendly. I am amazed by the wide variety of ministries and large number of community outreach programs supported by St. George’s.


How do you hope to serve as a leader on the vestry? I believe it is a spiritual calling to serve others. I would like to be a leader who leads others to servanthood. As a member of the vestry, it will be important to support of all our ministries, to listen and be responsive to issues that arise, to be wise in action, and to be prudent with our resources. It will be important to build on the work started by current and former vestry members, and to support new initiatives that make St. George’s a safe and friendly church where our children, our seniors, and all parishioners may worship.


How do you model Christian leadership at St. George’s and in the greater Nashville community? To me, a Christian leader is one who follows the example lived by Jesus. Jesus valued genuine humility, true wisdom, and unrewarded service. Christian leaders are the ones who volunteer their time, talent, and treasure to the benefit of others. I admire the Christian leaders that live their faith out through their actions. The Great Thanksgiving says “we should show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to thy service.” Good Christian Leaders exemplify these words.

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