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Do you know other business owners who would benefit from our services?

We'll now pay you up to $1,500 every time you send us a referral that becomes a new client!
You are our best source of new business!

We appreciate your effort in mentioning our services to people you know. As a token of that appreciation, we’re happy to offer a cash reward…one that grows with their ongoing business. As your referred client keeps factoring, your reward grows up to a maximum of $1,500.
How does it work?

Just refer a business to us, and you’ll receive a cash “thank you” when that new client starts factoring with Riviera.
$1,500...it's that simple!
*This offer is only available to active clients on new referrals submitted on or after 3/1/22. Active client is defined as having factored an invoice within the past six months.

Contact us or submit online anytime.