We are excited to announce the launch
of our new website...
Visit the new website; read a message from the PAPD DEA President, our instagram feed, affiliations, contact information for board members, list of our sponsors, and your member login portal (which contains all our forms).

Instructions for Member Login Portal

To access the member portal:
  • Click the LOGIN button at the top right of the home page, then click Sign up with email (at the bottom).
  • Enter your email and a new password for this website. You must use your email address that is registered on file with PAPD DEA.
  • Your request for access must be approved. Once approved, you will be notified via your email address that access has been granted (usually within a day or two). Check your spam folder if you do not see the approved access email.
  • Keep record of your password for future access.
Congratulations to Our New Detectives
Congratulations to Jason Nielsen and Imani Brown who have joined our detective family. Let's give them a warm welcome!
Port Authority NY & NJ Police Detectives
Detectives Endowment Association

1 Path Plaza, Journal Square, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 216-6548
Follow us on instagram: