November 2020
Be thankful!
Thanksgiving is one of our family’s favorite times of the year. For years we have gathered for a weekend in the family cabin which is literally over the river and through the woods. It has been a great time of feasting, games, time around the campfire, laughter, and celebration of family. This year will be different because of the pandemic.

In our case our usual weekend long family gathering will be replaced by gathering for a few hours around a campfire, playing football in our son’s backyard and having a socially distanced dinner in his heated garage.

But it is more important than ever to be thankful! The key for us is to be grateful for what we have, not despair about what we don’t have or can’t do. We have found that at the heart of being grateful is the habit of praying together. Our experience is borne out by the experts. Research shows that couples who pray for each other are more grateful and more willing to forgive their spouse. Focusing on being grateful is one way to relieve stress, and studies have shown that prayer increases gratitude. Being more grateful in life is associated with better mental health and better mental health is associated with better relationships.

For us this has been especially important during the pandemic because we have spent much more time together than ever before. I think our quirks and idiosyncrasies have been magnified by the corona virus – even though we wear masks and socially distance😊.

Now more than ever, praying together is one of the keys to having a deeper, richer, more intimate friendship with the two most important people in our life – God and my spouse. 
Bill Wacker
Director Emeritus
Conversation Starters for You
What is your earliest Thanksgiving Day memory?

What are three things you are thankful for in our marriage and family life?

As a couple, how can we help someone in need in the weeks leading up to Christmas?

What time of day will work best for us to use the Advent series? [Scroll to see the link to the series.]
Everything is Better with the Holy Spirit
Rose & Chris Marquis are Marriage In Christ celebrities. You can find them in videos on the Marriage In Christ At Home seminar website. They have been married for nine years. One of their favorite loving actions is to read books together.

When asked about new insights into their marriage they stated, “Marriage requires flexibility. As men and women, we never stop growing in and with Christ. We should know that to be true of ourselves and our spouse. So we need to keep seeking Jesus and seeking our spouse in new ways every day.”

What changes have you experienced? “The biggest change is our prayer life together as a couple. During our first year of marriage, prayer together was dry, short and lacking. After attending the Marriage in Christ Seminar, we started implementing the forms for prayer provided in the materials, ending each night with "God, make our hearts one." Year after year, our prayer life together has evolved and improved, making it our own, drawing us closer to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to each other.”

Why would you recommend the Marriage In Christ seminar to a friend? “Because EVERYTHING is better with the Holy Spirit!”
Advent 2020 Series for Couples
Advent and the Christmas season present one of the most important chapters in the story of God’s good creation, his great love, and his rescue of humanity. Moreover, it is an ongoing story, and we have a place in it. It is our story!

We offer daily Scriptures and mediations as a way to help you stay connected during the hectic Advent season.

Click the button to access the entire series! 
From the Executive Director: Give to the Max
Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to spread the word of the Marriage In Christ At Home Seminar. We have had 35 couples register for the seminar to date. From coast to coast!

November 19 is Give to the Max day in Minnesota where we are located! This starts Nov. 1 and ends Nov. 19. Go to GiveMn and in the Search box enter Marriage in Christ. Each gift you make to MIC enters you into a daily lottery which awards Golden Tickets. These awards provide an additional $500 - $1000 grant to MIC, perhaps even a $10,000 grant on the final day. Your donation enables us to spread the word about the Seminar and translate the Seminar into Spanish.

Please consider a financial contribution to MIC during this time. 

Thank you for your prayers and generous support!
MIC Gift Certificates
Need a gift for a married couple? Give the Marriage In Christ At Home Seminar! It’s easy.

Go to; make a one time donation of $40; in the Notes box enter Gift Certificate for (enter name of the couple). Then choose "Donate now". We will send a gift certificate to your email address that you can print out and give to the happy couple. They only need to register to take the seminar. No internet? Call the Marriage In Christ office at 651.395.6828.
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Come Holy Spirit, inspire our hearts, inspire couples to desire your presence in their life, marriage & family. Draw them to you and may we be a vehicle to reveal You to them.