Quarterly Newsletter - Winter 2020
From the Desk of Janice
It's National Caregivers Day...
I hope our first "Caregiver Connection" newsletter finds you all well! Today being the third Friday of the month of February is National Caregivers Day! It is a day to recognize and celebrate people who care for others. This means you!

My hope is that sometime today you will take time for yourself. Reward yourself with a day out for lunch with a friend, and if that is not possible, just steal away for a few minutes to sip a nice cup of tea. Even small quiet times by yourself truly help with the challenges of the day.
Annual Caregivers Connect Event...
Ann and I will be working on this year’s Caregivers Connect, we are planning it for the beginning of May. We will keep you posted and send out a “Save the Date” note as soon as our plans are finalized.

They Say Laughter is the Best Medicine...
Warm regards,
Janice Howard, Cornerstone VNA Life Care-Private Duty Director
Caregiver Wellness Tips from Sandy
Spring is around the corner and it is a great time to re-evaluate your health and wellness.
Consider choosing one thing in your life that you would like to change.
The obvious would be eating healthier or exercising but there are other areas in your life that you may want to consider looking at to change. Maybe it’s working on a relationship, increasing your social life, improving your finances, furthering your education, rekindling a creativity or finding a spiritual practice for you.
They all affect your health and wellness.

  • Whatever it is for you, develop a “Self Care Plan”.
  • Write down one short term goal and 1 or 2 action steps toward the goal.
  • Put yourself first this spring and make a change!

From Sandy Powers, RN, Cornerstone VNA Wellness and Gerontology Nurse
Caregiver Resources & Support
Featured Caregiver Resource Link
The Family Caregiver Alliance has a variety of valuable resources for family caregivers including fact and tip sheets on topics ranging from ' Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiving' to ' Caregiving with Your Siblings' to ' Holding a Family Meeting' . Find all of these topics and many more tips here .
Grief Support Group
Cornerstone VNA will be hosting an 8-week Grief Support Group for adults. Our goal is to help individuals cope with feelings of grief, loss and sadness in a safe and caring environment. We will be meeting on Tuesdays from 5:30 pm – 7 pm, March 24 – May 12 at Cornerstone VNA, 178 Farmington Road, Rochester, NH.

To register, please contact Rev. Maureen E. Steer, MDiv, Spiritual Care and Bereavement Coordinator at 603-994-6976 or
Cornerstone VNA Caregiver Cafes
Alton Caregiver Cafe (NEW)
Gilman Library
11:00 am
2nd Thursday of the Month
Newington Caregiver Cafe
Langdon Public Library
10:30 am
Last Thursday of the Month
Farmington Caregiver Cafe
Goodwin Library
10:30 am
Last Friday of the Month
A Message from Ann
In celebration of National Caregiver Day, I wanted to share this Caregiver's Pledge from The Family Caregiver Alliance.

We hope to see you at one of our Caregiver Cafes this month!

Ann Vennard, Assistant Director of Advancement, 603- 994-6941, avennard@cornerstonevna.org
Cornerstone VNA @ Community Events
Saturday, April 25
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
UNH Fieldhouse
Durham, NH
Saturday, May 9
9:00 am
Barrington Elementary School
Barrington, NH
Awards and Recognition
Home Care. Hospice Care. Palliative Care. Life Care - Private Duty. Community Care.
Cornerstone VNA | Website | 800-691-1133