10th Anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Their Impact and Future
This Podcast is available beginning:
June 25, 2021

Future webcasts/podcasts will be live with CLE credit. Stay tuned.

Podcast Panelists:
Dean Slocum, President, Acorn International
Martin Luff, Counsel, Vinson & Elkins
Joshua Newcomer, Principal, McKool Smith (Moderator)
About The IHRC Podcast
Introducing the International Human Rights Committee podcast – Perspectives. Search for it on Spotify, PocketCasts and other platforms.

Lawyers in the state of Texas whose clients are involved in international business may be confronted more frequently with the human, legal, and reputational risk associated with violations of internationally recognized human rights. The State Bar of Texas created the International Human Rights Committee (IHRC) in August 2015, the first of its kind among state bars, with the goals to study legal issues related to international human rights, inform Texas lawyers of these issues, and provide guidance to these Texas lawyers.

The IHRC Podcast will periodically feature experts on various topics related to international human rights important to Texas lawyers and their clients.

For more information on our committee's work, visit us online at State Bar of Texas International Human Rights Committee or send an email to Joshua Newcomer at [email protected].