Introducing the Mobile Memory Lab
We are pleased to introduce the Mobile Memory Lab, a traveling collection of equipment that will allow patrons to capture, record, and preserve important parts of their personal history.
The GCPL Mobile Memory Lab consists of a Desktop PC loaded with various image, audio, and video editing software, including, but not limited to, Adobe Creative Cloud, Audacity, and GIMP. Along with the software, there are a host of peripherals for scanning and digitizing your photos, negatives, slides, 8mm/Super 8 film, VHS tapes, vinyl records, and cassettes. It also has a converter tape that will allow you to digitize Super VHS tapes, a high-quality USB microphone to capture digital audio/oral histories, and a high-speed photo/document scanner for bulk digitization of photos and documents.
The Lab will be housed at different Branches on a rotating schedule, beginning with Chardon, Geauga West, and the Administrative Center Branch this fall, and continuing through all GCPL locations next year.
In order to use the Mobile Memory Lab, patrons must first attend an orientation session at any of the dates and locations listed below:
Geauga West
Administrative Center Branch
GCPL Becomes Funding Information Network Partner
As a Funding Information Network (FIN) partner, we are pleased to offer our patrons access to two world-class databases, Foundation Directory Online and Grants to Individuals. Foundation Directory Online offers access to grants and other funding opportunities for our nonprofit and small business community. Grants to Individuals is a database that offers the smartest, fastest way to find scholarships, fellowships and awards for students, artists, researchers, and individuals. Both of these databases are accessible inside our Bainbridge Branch only, during all regular hours of operation.
To learn more, come to the Intro to Funding Information Network databases program at Bainbridge on Mon., Sept. 23, 2 - 3 p.m.
Register here.
Featured eBook
One pet crow fights to save humanity from an apocalypse in this uniquely hilarious debut from a genre-bending literary author.
S.T., a domesticated crow, is a bird of simple pleasures: hanging out with his owner Big Jim, trading insults with Seattle's wild crows (those idiots), and enjoying the finest food humankind has to offer: Cheetos ®.
Then Big Jim's eyeball falls out of his head, and S.T. starts to feel like something isn't quite right. His most tried-and-true remedies--from beak-delivered beer to the slobbering affection of Big Jim's loyal but dim-witted dog, Dennis--fail to cure Big Jim's debilitating malady. S.T. is left with no choice but to abandon his old life and venture out into a wild and frightening new world with his trusty steed Dennis, where he discovers that the neighbors are devouring each other and the local wildlife is abuzz with rumors of dangerous new predators roaming Seattle. Humanity's extinction has seemingly arrived, and the only one determined to save it is a foul-mouthed crow whose knowledge of the world around him comes from his TV-watching education.
Hollow Kingdom is a humorous, big-hearted, and boundlessly beautiful romp through the apocalypse and the world that comes after, where even a cowardly crow can become a hero.
Coming soon
Book sale, Thurs., Sept. 12 - Sun., Sept. 16.
Literacy Fair (Ages birth - 5 years), Sat., Sept. 21, 11 a.m. Register.
Clash of the titles (Grades 3 - 5), Thurs., Sept. 19, 4 p.m. Register.
On gossamer wings, Tues., Sept. 24, 7 p.m.
Geauga West
What is Reiki? Tues., Sept. 17, 6:30 p.m. Register.
Media literacy (grades 5 - 12), Wed., Sept. 18, 1:30 p.m. Register.
Mad Libs (grades K - 5), Thurs., Sept.26, 4 p.m. Register.
Blog Your Way to a Book Informational Session, Wed., Sept. 25, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Register.
Engage. Connect. Inspire.