February 2024

OpenNotes Opens Door to Expanded Partnerships

Drawing upon 15 years of advocacy and research, OpenNotes unveiled today the OpenNotes Lab, the organization’s new effort to explore novel approaches to investigating and designing interventions across the realms of clinical documentation, medical records and patient safety and engagement.

The OpenNotes Lab will delve into the intersection of emerging technologies and patient-clinician relationships.

Read the full press release >>

Read more about the OpenNotes Lab >>

From Fringe Idea to Federal Regulation: New Applications of Open Notes

OpenNotes Director, Catherine M. DesRoches, DrPH, recently presented on new applications of and opportunities for open notes at the Department of Medicine Grand Rounds at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. 

OpenNotes has evolved since the first published study over a decade ago. Dr. DesRoches says the focus now is on enhancing the patient experience and ensuring that technology, like predictive and generative AI, is leveraged to address challenges related to diverse patient populations. Importantly, she asks, “How might we share documentation in a way that ensures success for patients, families, and clinicians?”

View the full presentation >>

Catherine M. DesRoches, DrPH

Executive Director

New Publication

Bell SK, Amat MJ, Anderson TS, at al. Do patients who read visit notes on the patient portal have a higher rate of “loop closure” on diagnostic tests and referrals in primary care? A retrospective cohort study, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 31, Issue 3, March 2024, Pages 622–630.

“After controlling for sociodemographic and clinical factors, the odds of a loop closure were 20% higher in tests or referrals for patients with a portal account, and 40% higher in tests or referrals for note readers, compared with those not registered for the patient portal."


Sigall Bell, MD

Director of Patient Safety and Discovery

OpenNotes Welcomes New Team Member

Anita Vanka, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and a hospitalist in the Department of Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). Dr. Vanka is Director of the Practice of Medicine—a foundational clinical skills course for first year medical and dental students at HMS. 

Along with several members from the OpenNotes team, Anita developed curricula for medical students and their faculty preceptors on the core principles of patient-centered documentation in the era of open notes.

Read more>>

Anita Vanka, MD

Co-Leader, Macy/Schmeidler Medical Student OpenNotes Educational Initiative at Harvard Medical School

What We're Reading

Social Media Spotlight

Did you miss this trans-Atlantic conversation? Our co-founder, Dr. Tom Delbanco, talked with Brian McMillan, GP and Clinical Lecturer in Manchester, about the benefits of transparent communication for patients. Thanks to the NHS for highlighting this important work!

Watch their interview on LinkedIn >>



