August 8, 2016
PASRR Changes Coming Soon to Tennessee
The Tennessee Bureau of TennCare recently awarded Ascend, a MAXIMUS Company, a contract to provide PASRR Level I and II services statewide. Ascend has provided Level II assessments in Tennessee since 2005, and will begin providing Level I screens December 1, 2016.

This email is the first in a series of regular communications designed to keep all PASRR providers informed of PASRR changes. PASRR providers include:
  • Hospitals, 
  • Nursing facilities, 
  • Area Agencies on Aging and Disability (AAADs), and
  • Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).
We will use this update email to provide very important information and resources, including training registration. Click the link below to sign up for our email list, and please forward this message to any other providers who may be affected by these changes.

What is PASRR?
Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) is an assessment required by federal legislation for all individuals entering nursing facilities that accept Medicaid payment. PASRR has 3 main goals:
  1. To identify individuals with mental illness (MI) and/or intellectual disability (ID)
  2. To ensure persons with MI/IDD are placed appropriately, whether in the community or in a NF; and
  3. To ensure that they receive the services they require for their MI or ID, wherever they are placed.
PASRR is made up of 2 components: 
Level I Screen:
Given to all NF applicants, this screen determines if an individual has suspicion of MI or ID. If the individual may have MI or ID, the Level I is deemed positive, and the individual is referred for a Level II.
Level II Assessment:
This assessment confirms or disconfirms the positive Level I, determines whether NF placement is appropriate, and determines which MI/ID services the person may need in the NF. 

Ascend will be reaching out to providers soon with additional information on changes and training opportunities. Visit our website to learn more about Ascend. 

We are privileged to work with you to ensure individuals in Tennessee receive the services and supports they need.
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