Introducing Your

Community Advocacy Committee (CAC)

Latino Leaders who work for Community Benefit Organizations (CBOs) and culturally specific advocacy organizations came together at the April 10, 2023 Health Equity Collective Summit to create a Latino CAC. Over the past few months the CAC members discussed ways to support Latinos seeking services.

These navigation topics included:

 Convening Town Halls (live and virtual)

 Guidebook for health systems on Latino care traditions and customs

 Consulting and trainings on Latino care traditions

 Latino Specific referrals in Connect Oregon and 211info

 Navigation support and OHP enrollment for migrant farmworkers

Meet your Health Equity Collective, Community Advocacy Committee (CAC)

Meet Your

Community Advocacy Committee (CAC)

Victor Acevedo, Operations Director, Oregon Human Development Cooperation OHDC, Gresham

“The Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) is always looking for ways to be more effective in linking Latino organizations together. There is so much need for our services that we know we can’t do it all. However, if we come together as a statewide community our reach will grow. Our hope for the PODER Health Equity Collective is that it will engage social service agencies and health systems. However, we also need to we working with other Latino leaders in business, public office, education, and every other kind of leader.

It is our collective leadership that brings hope to Latinos in need.”

Victor Acevedo was born in El Amatillo, a very small town in Guatemala, Central America. In search of a better future, he migrated to the United States in 1990. He has spent over 35 years working closely with the Hispanic community. Victor is the Deputy Director at Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) and has been with the organization since 2008. OHDC has given him the platform to continue serving the community by advocating and providing resources for farmworkers and low-income families.

Patricia Patron, Deputy Director, Familias en Accion, Portland

“At Familias en Accion, we work closely with many health system partners and CCOs. If we had a Guidebook to share with them that was clear on how their systems could better meet the needs of Latinos, I am sure this would be well received. Many of our partners want to meet equity needs but they don’t always have the information they need to do this. The guidebook we create will come from our shared Latino lived experiences while recognizing the diversity in our ethnicity.

The guidebook will be a living document that recognizes our culture is not static and monolithic.”

Patricia is a health care and social services executive with a broad experience in all aspects of clinical and organizational management, quality assurance, strategic planning, building relationships and coalitions, fundraising, talent management, and non-profit financial and operational management. She serves as the Deputy Director at Familias en Acción. Prior to joining Familias, Patricia was the Executive Director at Outside In, a Federally Qualified Health Center(FQHC) and a Social Services provider serving youth experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations. Between 2015 and 2018, Patricia was the Chief Operations Officer at NATIVE HEALTH, an Urban Indian Health Center and a FQHC serving Native Americans and other populations in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan area. Between 2004 and 2014, Patricia was actively engaged with Family Health Care (FHC) in Fargo, North Dakota, a non-profit FQHC with multiple programs and sites including homeless health, primary care, dental, behavioral health, optometry, pharmacy, and a lifestyle and wellness medicine program. Patricia was the Chief Executive Officer at FHC for seven years. Patricia currently serves as a board member on the Multnomah County Community Health Board and on the Hacienda CDC board of directors. She is originally from Colombia, South America. Patricia enjoys hiking and biking, spending time with her family and friends, and hanging out with her three dogs.

Priscila Rosales Barrios, Therapist at OYEN Wellness Center, Woodburn

“Our Latino community looks to the OYEN Wellness Center in Woodburn to help them find the other services they need. We are always happy assist but this information should be much more readily available to them. Wouldn’t it be better if we could hand them a guidebook for Latinos written in Spanish? Or give our clients access to a Spanish language version of an on-line directory for Latino social service agencies? If this is a need in a community with a large Latino population like Woodburn, I suspect it is an even greater need in other more rural communities with fewer Latino Specialists.”

Priscila is a dedicated bilingual therapist serving the Woodburn community. With a deep passion for community outreach, she strives to build strong connections within her community. She firmly believes in the importance of providing accessible mental health services and utilizing the abundant resources available through community partners.

Hilda Leon, Outreach Specialist, Oregon Community Association, Redmond

Make sure to leave people better than how you found them , with kindness.

Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, immigrant from the United States since 1995, living in Oregon for 23 years Community leader and activist, mother of 4 children and 2 beautiful granddaughters. She is proud of her Mexican roots, she has dedicated herself to social work in the field of health in the rural community of Central Oregon. She is in charge and facilitator of various advocacy and leadership projects including bills where the Latino community benefits. Her main mission is to be the voice of the most subordinated and ignored within the health system.

Esmeralda Sanchez, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Oregon Human Development Corporation OHDC, Gresham

“Working with Oregon’s farmworkers we often encounter people who don’t know that they are eligible for the Healthier Oregon Program where any resident of Oregon, even if they aren’t U.S. citizens, can enroll in the Oregon Health Plan. The promise of PODER is that as a Latino leadership network we can create better tools to assist farmworkers navigate to services.

Working together to create Latino network and effective guides in Spanish could be an important step in right direction.”

Esmeralda Sanchez is the Office Manager at Oregon Human Development Corporation (OHDC) and has been with the organization for three years. As the eldest daughter of Latino parents, Esmeralda’s passion has always been to help and give back to the Latino Community. She fulfills this passion by working at OHDC, serving the farmworker and Latino community with rent, utilities, food, academic scholarships, and employment. Outside work, Esmeralda enjoys spending time with her family and roller-skating at the waterfront.

The CAC is actively recruiting more Latino community advocates. To join contact us at [email protected].

For Sponsorship Opportunities, please email [email protected].

Upcoming Events

Colegio Cesar Chavez 50th Anniversary Celebration

Colegio Cesar Chavez was an American college-without-walls in Mount Angel, Oregon, named after Mexican American civil rights activist César Chávez. Colegio was the first accredited, independent four-year Chicano/Latino college in the United States. Meet fellow student alumni, enjoy food and drinks as we reminisce on Oregon Latino History that became a catalyst for equal educational opportunities for Chicano and minority students in Oregon.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Father Bernard Youth & Retreat Center

Mt Angel, OR

Register Here

Hispanic Heritage Month Breakfast &

Summit 2023

This year we are very excited to announce for the first time, the Hispanic Heritage Month Breakfast & Summit 2023! This full day event will not only include the breakfast, but an afternoon session focusing on Leadership, Healthcare, and Businesses with speakers, panelists and much more. HHMB & Summit is Oregon’s official kick-off celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month. Representatives from the private sector, public institutions, non-profits

and public elected officials/candidates will also join us to celebrate the contributions Hispanics have made to Oregon and the US.

Details coming soon!

Friday, September 15, 2023

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Salem Convention Center

Salem, OR