Upcoming ILO Trainings —

  • Introduction to Visual Basic for Test (with Lab)
  • ETS Refresher on Pattern Based Test Techniques
  • UltraVI80 Programming Basics (with Lab)
  • UltraPin1600 Programming Basics

It's Next Week ...

Introduction to Visual Basic for Test (with Hands On Lab)
This ILO training is an introduction to the use of Visual Basic as part of developing a test program in IG-XL. This session is designed for beginners in the use of Visual Basic and will include a hands on lab. This session is NOT suitable for multiple attendees in a conference room.

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the differences between VBA and VBT
  • Understand how Visual Basic is useful in test
  • Understand usage of variables: multisite and regular
  • Create a XLA using Visual Basic
>>>Register Today!
Click the Register links in the tables below, or register by phone or email (info below).
Introduction to Visual Basic for Test (includes Hands On Lab)
Class ID Date Time Course Highlights
AP-15151 Nov. 1 9:45 am to 1 pm (Singapore Time)
EUR-15152 Nov. 2 1:45 to 5 pm (Paris Time)
USA-15153 Nov. 2 12:45 to 4 pm (Boston Time)

And Next in November/December ...

ETS Refresher on Pattern Based Test Techniques
Class ID Date Time Course Highlights
USA-15078 Nov. 13 9:45am to 12 pm (Boston Time)
EUR-15077 Nov. 14 3:45 to 6 pm (Paris Time)
AP-15076 Nov. 16 8:45 to 11 am (Singapore Time)

UltraVI80 Programming Basics (includes Hands On Lab)
Class ID Date Time Course Highlights
AP-15091 Nov. 19 9:45 am to 12 pm (Singapore Time)
USA-15092 Nov. 20 8:45 to 11 am (Boston Time)
EUR-15093 Nov. 21 9:45 am to 12 pm (Paris Time)

UltraPin1600 Programming Basics
Class ID Date Time Course Highlights
AP-15094 Dec. 4 9:45 am to 12 pm (Singapore Time)
USA-15095 Dec. 5 8:45 to 11 am (Boston Time)
EUR-15096 Dec. 6 9:45 am to 12 pm (Paris Time)

Register by Phone —
Dial +800-TERADYNE (Canada and USA) or click the Contact Customer Care button at http://teradynegso.com for local contact information.

Register by Email —
[email protected]

What Do I Need to Participate?

  • Computer with Broadband connection.
  • Telephone with a direct dial number.
  • Register.
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Designed for Online Delivery
Live Sessions
Taught by Subject- Matter Experts
Attendance Gift

After participating in an ILO training, you will receive a Certificate of Training and an Attendance Gift.

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