With the warm spring weather approaching and we begin to work outside around our homes, the Inverness Police Department would like to remind residents to be aware and prevent ruse burglaries. A ruse burglar consists of subjects that distract homeowners while another enters the home to steal property. Please see the tips below on how to prevent becoming a victim.

What to watch for?
  • Homes may be surveyed by individuals, posing such as pest control, to determine if a home is a future potential target.
  • Individuals will use a ruse to maneuver homeowners outside or to another area of the home.
  • Common ruses include tree trimming, roof repair, contractor, utility, or cable/TV work.
  • A popular excuse to lure a homeowner out of their home is to show the type of work or boundary on behalf of your neighbor.  
  • While one individual distracts the homeowner, another enters the residence to burglarize.
  • Cash and jewelry are common targets.
  • The elderly are the most frequent victims of ruse burglaries.

What Can I do to prevent this?
  • Never allow anyone into your home without a prescheduled appointment for services you requested. 
  • Speak to uninvited visitors through locked doors or screens.  
  • Do not leave the home unattended or doors unlocked.
  • If the person says he or she is a utility employee, call that agency to verify that an employee has legitimate business at your home. Do not use the phone number the person at the door gives you.
  • Store any cash or jewelry in a safe or lockbox.
  • Keep an eye out in your neighborhood and immediately report any activity to the police.
  • Educate family and neighbors about these types of crimes.

Keep an eye on neighbors and call the Inverness Police Department at 9-1-1 to report any suspicious activity. If possible, try to obtain the vehicle license plate, color, make/model, and offender description.