The Unprecedented IEBC Investment in Your Success
In the face of declining enrollment and reduced resources, one of the few ways postsecondary institutions can successfully fight back is by reducing student attrition levels and increasing the completion rate, especially among first-time college students.
There are many ways to help these students, with different approaches and programs that show results. But they are not cost-effective on a larger scale, nor do they show the capacity for larger-scale results in closing achievement gaps with a wide demographic range of students.
The Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) can change this pattern with our simple and straightforward process for implementing a cost-effective, impactful intervention.
In fact, IEBC is so confident about our work, we offer our client colleges a money back guarantee: If a college implements our program as designed without showing an agreed-upon increase in student term-to-term persistence one year after implementation which offsets its investment in IEBC's facilitation and coaching, IEBC will reimburse 50 percent of our fee. What other organization offers you this kind of assurance? There are none!
Read more about how our intervention program works here.