Investing In Nantucket

A Newsletter from CFN

Note from Sunny, CFN's Executive Director

This has been an exciting year of transitions! Our team stepped up in remarkable ways to aid Nantucketers by addressing inequity, hunger, rapidly increasing housing prices, access to higher education, and coordinating behavioral health and childcare providers through our grantmaking and leadership efforts. We are grateful for the generosity of donors and the dedication of our nonprofit partners. 

The Community Foundation for Nantucket is a trusted and unique resource for the Nantucket community. The Nantucket Fund is CFN's unrestricted funding source that provides annual community grants to the island's most critical needs and initiatives. Since 2007, the foundation has distributed over $2.2 million in community grants. We aim to strengthen Nantucket now and for future generations by supporting the people, systems, and services that make Nantucket thrive. Please consider donating to the Nantucket Fund to support the island we love.


Convening & Impacting

By The Numbers

Since January 1, 2024...

$ 3,000,000+ in grants given through Scholarships, Donor Advised Funds, the Community Wind Fund, and the Remain Nantucket Fund

# 103 Organizations supported

# 20+ Community Meetings in Conference Room

# 20+ CFN Convening events across sectors

# 252 Donations Processed to Funds

# 2 Signature Grant Cycles Complete

Senior Travel Resources on Nantucket

Accessing medical care is a necessity for everyone, and can be challenging while living on an island. Several organizations are working hard to make access to care easier, and more affordable.

Recently the senior medical travel fund opened at CFN to assist seniors with medical transportation expenses. Information and applications can be accessed through the Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs.

Learn more about the senior travel fund here

2024 Scholarship Awards

On June 4, 2024 we had the honor of celebrating and awarding scholarships to local students at our annual Scholarship Award Ceremony. CFN holds 16 Scholarship Funds that awarded over $91,000 to local students for their continued education.

Learn more about scholarship offerings here

Give to a scholarship fund here

Child Care Convening

This quarter childcare service providers convened to discuss the ever-pressing needs of pre-school and infant care on Nantucket Island. We are working together to identify services that exist on island, understand the gaps in services, and facilitate solutions to address this need in the short and long term.

We offer our conference room as a community convening space. If your organization is interested in reserving the room, please contact the CFN office at (508)825-9993

Healthy Collaborative Lunch

Health and human service providers come together once a month for a collaborative lunch to discuss pressing issues in our community. Every session highlights a different presenter who shares their work and then time for updates from the group. This past 6 months presenters included Fairwinds, Sharing Kindness, Social Services at NCH, Swim Across America, Youth Villages, and more.

We would like to thank Remain Nantucket for their generosity in providing lunch for these local community leaders.


Your support in these first 6 months fuels the work we do, thank you for your generosity

Individuals & Families

Thomas and Patricia Anathan - Frances E. Baskett - Jim and Mary Bennett

- Paul Bruno and Noel Berry - Lisa Botticelli and Ray Pohl- Sandra Byrne - Mary E. Casey and Jeffrey L. Blackwell - Richard and Sally Charpie - Oliver Bradford Coolidge - Heidi Cox - Chip and Kathy Cruice - David Berson and Katie Lacey - Barbara Detwiler - Andrea Downey and Rick Kassler - Bill and Lois Druckemiller - Robert D. Felch - Timothy G. and Anne N. Field - Louis and Dorothy B. Gennaro - Whit A. and Anne C. Gifford Rock D. Gonnella - Kendra & Jack Graham - Joan and Philip Gulley - Mike and Penny Herlihy - Barbara and Richard Holt - Barbara and Amos Hostetter - Richard J. and Sharon Hussey - Johnny and Ann Johnson - Carolyn Jones - Matt Judson - Ken N. and Linda Carol Kinsley - John R. Leclaire and Ruth A. Hodges - Judy Lee - Helen M. Lynch - Tom and Monica McCasland - Martin and Toni B McKerrow Jason J. Michel - Miriam L. and Herbert B. Mittenthal - Barbara A. and Dermot F. O'Reilly - Jack and Joan Osowa - Karen and Robert A. Partridge - Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Patton - Jacques Perold and Amy Boesky - Jeffrey and Hillary Rayport - Robert and Magdalena Reid - Harry T. and Susan Rein - Greeley Sachs and Seth Levine - Liz and Peter Schaeffer - Damian and Cherie Schaible - John R. and Elisabeth D. Sherwood - Daniel S. Shiff - James D. Shockey Jr. and Mary G. Farland Shockey - Eric Silfen -Jeremiah K. and Shirley A. Smith Jr. - Phillip and Beverly Stambaugh - David and Sarah Steinberg - Gregory and Katherine Sullivan - Merrielou H. Symes - Bruce R. and Mary Thompson - James and Elinor Vaughter - Paul J. and Christine J. Vineis - Charles and Nancy L. Thayer Walters - Rhoda H. Weinman - Anne and Tom Weinstock - Finn and Kim Wentworth - Grant and Megan Wentworth - Kevin and Delia Willsey

Businesses & Foundations

Richard K Lubin Family Foundation - Karp Family Foundation - Charina Foundation, Inc. - Hepburn, Ltd - Alvord Family Foundation - Stop & Shop - The George and Marie Chabot Charitable Foundation - Salesforce - Hy-Line Cruises - Knox Foundation - Island Energy Services, Inc. - The RJN III & LBN Foundation - The Franci Neely Foundation

Thank You Stop & Shop

On Salem Street, local Stop & Shop leadership selected the Community Foundation for Nantucket as the recipient of the Community Bag program in May, which donated $1 of every bag sold to CFN.

Through June, local leadership at on Sparks Avenue chose CFN as the recipient for the Bloom for Good Campaign, where a portion of all Bloom for Good flower bouquets is donated to CFN.

GIVE TO CFN | (508) 825-9993 | 9B Bayberry Court

The Community Foundation for Nantucket works to enhance the well-being of our community by addressing critical issues and supporting the social, physical, cultural, economic, and environmental conditions essential for all Islanders to flourish and fulfill their potential.