Dear Alumni and Friends,
If the last two years of living through the COVID-19 pandemic have taught us anything, it is that science, dependable information and trusted expertise are invaluable in the face of a public health crisis. As community members, parents, workers, caregivers, friends and more, we’ve relied on this guidance to navigate so many aspects of our lives during a confusing and difficult time.
For the University of Michigan, that guidance has come from a number of top public health experts and medical professionals, including our chief health officer, Dr. Preeti Malani. In this edition of Michigan Impact, Dr. Malani shares her perspective on responding to the pandemic on campus and what we’ve learned about leveraging public health resources to address other societal concerns, like disparities in care and mental health services.
March also marks Women’s History Month. While I continue to be motivated by the brave women who came before us, I am equally inspired by so many other U-M scholars, students and alumni who are enriching our world and making our communities better.
Go Blue!