Invitation & Appeal from Classmate Linda Whitlock
Give Any Amount! Attend Obama/Harris Grassroots Fundraiser  
Friday, Oct. 2 at 5:15 pm

Friends and Family-
There was only one candidate on the debate stage last night who should be president, and it was not the current holder of that esteemed office.  I was proud of Joe Biden, and am even more intent on helping him win on November 3.  Only 34 days to go!

Please join me at a fun event featuring President Barack Obama and Vice Presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris.  You can give any amount that you want to join the conversation.  Any amount!   I ask you to be as generous as you can. 

The conversation will take place this coming Friday, October 2 at 5:15 pm EDT.  To RSVP and contribute, just click on the link below.  Your email confirmation will include your Zoom link.

We are almost there. I am grateful for everything that you have done to help us restore sanity, civility and most importantly, competent, experienced leadership to the White House.  November 3 cannot come soon enough. 

Vote early!

Grassroots Fundraiser 
with President Barack Obama & Sen. Kamala Harris
Contact SoCal Finance Team at:

Linda Whitlock
o: 617-965-5891
c: 617-512-8464