Dear ,
Your Hispanic Chamber continues to positively impact Fort Worth’s business landscape through its programs including one-on-one bilingual business counseling, educational lecture series with keynote speakers, and networking opportunities within the Fort Worth Business Community.
Proceeds from the shoot will fund these programs and the Chamber's initiatives to continue ensuring your business success and creating pathways of opportunities together.
We encourage you to sponsor this year’s clay shoot, bring a team, and make donations; our 100+ shooters very well receive prizes, raffle items, and silent auction items and are a great way to give your company exposure among the Fort Worth Hispanic Business Community and Chamber Members. Participation from companies like yours has a definite impact on the community in which we are all so fortunate to live and work.
The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is sincerely grateful for your ongoing support of our efforts to increase business engagement in Fort Worth.
We've included the registration details down below.