Dear Presidents-Elect:
Congratulations on your selection to serve as the President of your Rotary Club in 2024-2025! Our goal at the Lone Star President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) is to provide you with information and resources to lead your club, engage and inspire your members, and perform the good works of Rotary International with compassion and integrity. Programming begins with optional elective sessions on Thursday evening, February 29, 2024, and continues with the curriculum prescribed by Rotary International for Presidents-elect on Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2, 2024. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend this important event designed just for you!
As you prepare for the position of Club President and to get the most out of PETS, an important step is to obtain some prior knowledge of Rotary. Luckily, Rotary International has prepared an excellent online learning tool to make that task interesting and uncomplicated. This tool is the “Learning Center” located on the RI website.
We at Lone Star PETS will be sending to you each month information on learning modules in the Learning Center to be completed prior to PETS. If you complete a few of these short learning modules each month the task will be easy. You will be well on the way to getting the most out of your attendance at Lone Star PETS and to becoming a well-informed and successful Club President.
Information about the first of these learning center modules to be completed in September is attached to this email. Your District’s Governor-elect will also be contacting you prior to PETS to share with you other very important information including plans, programs, and goals for your District in 2024-25. You will want to work closely with your District leadership team as you prepare for your leadership position.
Please refer to the attached timeline for the Club President Learning Plans. We ask that you complete Sessions 1 – 4 in the Club President Basics Learning Plan by September 30, 2023. If you wish to work ahead, the entire listing of sessions for the two Learning Center Plans tailored especially for Club Presidents is included in the attachment.
On behalf of the Lone Star PETS Board of Directors and the planning committees, we look forward to meeting you at the DFW Hyatt on February 29-March 3, 2024.
Sharron Miles
Sharron Miles, PDG District 5790
2024 Lone Star PETS Board Chair